Open source code for a beginner

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10 comments, last by sednihp 11 years, 11 months ago

Notice how I very specifically noted that that the source for the game is how not to to make game, in bold and capslock so you know I'm serious. smile.png

Notice how I very specifically noted that I was not bashing your code...I understand it was a tutorial designed with the intent to show beginners how to handle the SDL library and setup a very simple game; and for that purpose you did a fantastic job, your tutorial has been very sucessfull and I myself thank you for making it.

You want to know the best way to learn design? Stop going around to other people's projects hoping you'll find some magical piece of wisdom and go out and get your hands dirty.

So you just assume that im sitting around all day just parusing through other people's code without writing any of my own? That I havn't already gotten "my hands dirty". I have been writing code on and off for some time now; I have a few past projects under my belt. I am not an infinite pool of resources unto myself and when I lack the skill and knowlege to solve a problem I seek out others who are better then me for answers.

In my particular case I had a problem with the game I am developing right now and all the solutions I had come up with on my own have been unsatisfactory. I thought maybe I could get a look at few other open source projects made by better programmers to see how they did it.

learning by example is a very valid form of education. If you don't want to help that is fine, then dont post, but please don't berate me as if im not trying.
Sorry if that was a bit of a rant, but it really upset me. I came looking for help.

Thank you very much for the resources Serapth, EnigmaticProgrammer, and Dejaime.
I've put up some of my games over on my blog if you want some small SDL games to look at. They're nothing amazing (Pong, breakout, space invaders, bomber run clones) but they might give you something to peruse...

I will say, I've only been at this for 4-5 months so I'm no expert, but I'm pretty happy with my code.

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