Making glowing objects

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2 comments, last by Julien Bayle 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi there,
I'd need tips to make glowing objects.
I really liked those visible around 0:25 s in

I like their glowingness but also the influence they have over the space.
Maybe there is fog ? volumic matter ? (sorry for my newbie terms)

ANY tips would be really appreciate.

fyi, I'm developing in Max6/Jitter, but it is plainly openGL so, any stuff can be transposed to that, no prob.

> my project
Pretty much looks like a glow texture that has alpha on the edges. Nothing special that it looks like they are doing.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

Hi dpadam450,
thank for your answer.

ok, I got it.
glow textures + alpha edges for objects.

Apologize about my newbie language in the following part.
we can feel like matter in the space, like fog (I'm quite sure it isn't fog) lightens by the light sources (which are objects)
the fx is visually pleasant

are there some artificial objects not visible but reflecting lights giving the feeling of volumic matter or something like that ?
any leads would be appreciate a lot.
> my project

Pretty much looks like a glow texture that has alpha on the edges. Nothing special that it looks like they are doing.

dpadam450, I especially posted about the influence of those lights in a new specific thread there:

If you'd have any leads, I'd be happy to dig them :)
> my project

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