Where to start on my RPG?

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12 comments, last by CryoGenesis 11 years, 9 months ago
Yeah I already do that in eclipse. It's not about how I do it after I start it's about where do I actually start at all ;D
Ok, Set up your main game loop empty for now. Then in comment lines write what needs to be done in order which might be: read input, process input, run AI loop briefly, update character locations, draw. Change as you see fit. Then go from there.

Yeah I already do that in eclipse. It's not about how I do it after I start it's about where do I actually start at all ;D

Like I've said earlier, try to define your different entities as classes. Then look at their interactions with the rest of the system. Obviously you will have to tweak your initial analysis, but that's completely normal. It's also normal that you find bigger projects more difficult to keep organized.

Here are some guidelines to get you started with OOAD:

1-Think of the entities
2-Draw the domain model
3-Write generic use cases for what seems fuzzy(Such as, how will a player move around the world for example).
4-Make a class diagram with relations, use GRASP and think of Cohesion and Coupling for each of your classes.
5-When you are stuck on a part, review the GOF Patterns, perhaps one of them can help you with a specific problem.
6-Start writing code and keep going back to the domain model and previous steps to clarify your progression.

Obviously this isn't going in very much detail, I skipped contracts/glossaries and sequence diagrams for simplicity. This is what I do whenever I start a project with more than 50 classes. You can also look up architectural patterns(MVC is an example, but it doesn't map that well on games...), they can dictate how your classes should be organized.

If you are too lazy, then this is the most important principle in my opinion : Think of objects in terms of responsibility If you apply yourself during the creation of each class with this principle you shouldn't be too bad(Why should X do that, why should X have that, why should X talk to Y, does it make sense that X does this... and so on).

[size=1]I "surf" the web, literally.

I've thought of a way to do it.
Have a base entity that has methods like move to place or interact with object.
Assign each entity with a script.
Run each entities script during game.
Have maps. Assign each map data file (position of entities). assign each map image file for the world.
Have a player. When a player does something a method in the Entities script is called for instance.
Player clicks on the NPC to talk. NPC's script is called at onPlayerTalk();
Something along the lines of that :).

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