DirectX and Win32...worth bothering with?

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2 comments, last by 21st Century Moose 11 years, 10 months ago
Like everyone else, I'm making a game (or trying to!). I'm a fairly strong Win32 programmer, but new to games - although I do have experience with OpenGL 2.1, this is very much a learning curve, and done purely for my own entertainment. Part of the reason I'm doing this is to familiarise myself with modern OpenGL. But, I fully intend to make a Direct3D port too.

Then it dawned on me - is it really worth bothering with D3D on Win32 for a non-commercial endeavour?

With WinRT coming out with Windows 8, which can be used to create both Metro and desktop apps, wouldn't it make more sense to wait and create a WinRT port, rather than Win32?

Also, what's the betting the 'XBox 720', or whatever it will be called, will use WinRT natively - enabling a single development approach to ALL Microsoft platforms?

Any thoughts?
For a typical full-screen game I don't think you'll have very much interaction with either Win32 or WinRT. It's mostly going to be relegated to a few system API's like CreateFile or CreateThread, which you can easily hide inside wrapper functions that are implemented differently for each platform. So i wouldn't worry about it, as long as you stick with D3D11 as your graphics API.
And, WIN32 is fully supported for Windows8 desktop apps.

If you are targeting Metro Apps you have to target WinRT, as well as a subset of DirectX (due to the Metro sandbox).

Go to MSDN and look at the target environment of some of the functions (desktop apps / metro apps). Like all mobile environments, MetroUI restricts access to system resources.
Definitely worth bothering - native D3D is going to be around for a long time and the potential audience for WinRT/Metro will be quite small to begin with. Unless of course you want to learn the Metro stuff.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

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