PS3 or XBOX 360....?

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64 comments, last by ManuelMarino 11 years, 6 months ago
Hi Guys..!!
I m choosing which one is better before buying,,
So please suggest for which one i should go for either PS3 or XBOX 360 and why?
Must share your experience Gamers....

1 line also will be appreciated by all.
Besides all fanboy blah..blah.. it doesn't really matter. If you like to play halo, then buy a xbox360, if you like to play killzone, then buy a PS3. If you want to playback blurays, then buy a PS3. etc. 99% of all games will be available for PS3 & Xbox 360 with differences only relevant to fanboys.
What kind of games do you like to play? What genres? Are you interested in any non-gamepad peripherals -- e.g. steering wheels, motion controllers, etc...?
Or buy both.

This is not a mutually-exclusive decision.

It is simply a platform for specific games. If you want those games you will need the platform. If you want to play Mario Kart neither will work.
If you wait a few weeks the Wii.U will be out, making it the best console available. I know you didn't include it but I'm not sure why not ?
If there are Wii U games you want to play then sure, that makes sense... of course you'll have "the best" (and I dispute that anyway) for about 12 months at which point the next XBox and Playstation are expected to be out and will more than likely kick the Wii U squarely in the nuts before running off with its lunch money.
@phantom - you dispute that ? Please entertain me with your disputation :)

I believe the Wii ran off with the lunch money of the PS3 and the XBox 360, it sold 20-30 million units more than either of those consoles. Now consider that the Wii U is going to push the Nintendo back towards the hardcore gaming market. I think it would be stupid to discount the Wii U as you just did.

Edit : And Mario's got some pretty tough nuts.
Disputing is a problem because in order to do so with any real authority I'd have to violate a few NDAs with regards to hardware specs :)

But to give you an idea; the X360 version of "F1 All Stars" which is coming out soon hits 60fps in single and 2 player spit and easily clears 30fps on 4 player split screen. The PS3 version doesn't perform as well as the PS3 GPU is a big pile of crap. The Wii-U will probably hit 60fps in single and maybe 2 player split but we have siginicant worried about the CPU when compared to the much older X360 and PS3 setups when it comes to the workloads we have to do.
Don't buy either. The new generation of systems will be out next year. And then the answer will be what was said above - buy the system that has most of the games you want to play.

-- Tom Sloper --

This is a question that only you can answer. We don't know what kind of games you like. Many games are multiplatform and available on both systems, but many are exclusive to each system. So your decision should be based on which exclusive games line up appeals to you more and then pick one based on that. And that's assuming you are buying these systems to play just games. Both these systems have many more features apart from being able to play games, so you might wanna look into that as well.
I have a PS3 and a Wii. The Wii has been collecting dust since 2007, which has taught me a lesson that one should never buy a console when it first comes out. Give it a year or two and then see how the library of games is coming along. I recently bought a gaming PC and have now access to some of the games that are available on the XBOX360 and not on the PS3. Infact I have enjoyed gaming on the PC so much that it is now my preferred place for gaming.

Spend a little time researching both systems and then buy the one that makes sense.

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