read a texture with directx 10 in c++

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2 comments, last by the dodger uk 11 years, 1 month ago

i want to read in a perlin noise map or height map , but in the c++ side of directx

and use the information in the map , to initilise particles,

so i would read in map

width , height

for ( int width = 0 ; i < maxWidth ; i++)


for ( int height= 0 ; j < maxhieght ; j++)


if ( texture[j].alphaAmount >0.5)




this is what i want to do , but cant see any code that will allow me , to do this

what i need to know is how to read the texture in and the correct mannor


Is the perlin noise texture updated on the gpu ?

if not, don't use a texture (calculate the noise on the fly or use a look-up array).

if it is updated on the gpu, use the map methond to read the content of the texture.

This page has an example of reading a texture from the CPU side.

thank you

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