Can you Please give me a good MMORPG programming language that runs on andriod

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23 comments, last by Alpha_ProgDes 11 years, 2 months ago

iam an inspiring game developer and studying computer science major in application development and i want to learn how to make an mmorpg game that is offline that looks like the environment of zenonia 5 and i want to learn how to design characters and skills and i only have 1 year and a half to make this game before i present it to our judges .. help me guys... thank you for your reply's.. have a nice day

and to GOD be the Glory


btw if you want to tutor me .. you can add me on fb and if you want to chat in skype i have a skype account freechapel.nathaniel

iam an inspiring game developer and studying computer science major in application development and i want to learn how to make an mmorpg game that is offline that looks like the environment of zenonia 5 and i want to learn how to design characters and skills and i only have 1 year and a half to make this game before i present it to our judges .. help me guys... thank you for your reply's.. have a nice day

How are you planning on making an offline mmorpg? MMOs are Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. Online is part of their definition. Are you thinking of just an RPG?

Either way, any programming language would do. If you're more focussed on content you could use gamemaker or RPGmaker. If you want to focus more on the technical side just go with C#, Java, Python, or any other number of languages you're comfrotable with. The language is less important at your level than just doing something.

iam an inspiring game developer and studying computer science major in application development and i want to learn how to make an mmorpg game that is offline that looks like the environment of zenonia 5 and i want to learn how to design characters and skills and i only have 1 year and a half to make this game before i present it to our judges .. help me guys... thank you for your reply's.. have a nice day

and to GOD be the Glory

For Android, the default dev language is Java. That's a good start.

iam an inspiring game developer and studying computer science major in application development and i want to learn how to make an mmorpg game that is offline that looks like the environment of zenonia 5 and i want to learn how to design characters and skills and i only have 1 year and a half to make this game before i present it to our judges .. help me guys... thank you for your reply's.. have a nice day

and to GOD be the Glory

Not that I want to be a jerk. But this is completely unrealistic. I strongly suggest you lower the scope of your project. No one can tutor you through making a MMORPG. Just ask EA.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


I second using Java.

I also agree with Alpha_ProdDes, you should simplify your game. If you aren't very experienced then it will be a while before you can produce a professional looking game.
My current game project Platform RPG

Typical useless, bullshit, GDNet knee jerk post.

This is the epitome of why this forum blows. If you're not going to leave a thread better off than how you found it, why bother posting?

Zenonia 5 is an simple android top down action RPG. It's 90% design and 10% programming. It's not some big, insurmountable goal.

For android you'll want Java (read a book and learn it all first, if you jump ahead, you'll spend your entire year stuck on trivial things) + libGDX (don't touch until you complete a java book) will cover your programming needs.

RPG Maker (now available on steam) is a much better choice, but they don't seem to have android support. The developer says they have been working on Android support, but that doesn't mean it's coming any time soon, or that it will even work well.

Character design is not a technical thing. Get a pencil and a notepad and start creating. Figure out what your game is going to be about first, and then design characters that will take on the roles needed. When your design is finished, you'll know exactly what you need and an start working on them in a paint program.

Keep your game small, simple, and focused. If you want to finish it in a year and a half starting from scratch you'll have to dial it back to something small, like 1 town and one randomly generated dungeon. If you can finish that, you can use it as a nice base to keep working on another game after that.

Typical useless, bullshit, GDNet knee jerk post.

This is the epitome of why this forum blows. If you're not going to leave a thread better off than how you found it, why bother posting?

Alpha is completely right about the fact that the OP is defiantly over-reaching what he can do, The OP's post speaks pretty highly of having little to no programming experience, maybe i'm wrong, but when someone asks to be tutored(and freely tosses out their skype handle across the internet), that just screams they are a beginner. what's 10% to any skilled programmer might be years for a beginner.

I briefly pulled up some gameplay footage of zenonia 5 doesn't look anything like 10% programming. hell the world looks like it's 2D drawn, and then overlayed with a 3D layer system similar to FF7, 8, and 9. That by no means is a simple task to make on your own.

it is not unreasonable to tell someone to scale back on what they want to do, the OP has done nothing to demonstrate he isn't another "I wanna make an MMO" beginner.

considering his project is due in one and a half years, it's unlikely he could build this game in that time frame from scratch, so all your doing is inciting someone that is going to probably miss their deadline because they extended themselves far too much.

Now then, if the OP comes back, says he's got 5 years of programming experience, fine, he might be able to pull it off in that time frame, but otherwise, it's just so unlikely your doing him more of a disservice by not being honest about what he'll probably be able to achieve.

Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.
No, Zen 5 is a simple 2D top down game. I play(ed) it until the micro-transations got ridiculous. It's a tile map and sprites. But that's beyodn the point, because he was talking about the look and style, not the code-base, which I know is something this community has a very hard time grasping.

I had no problem making a 2D top down RPG 6 months into my programming career, because I was focused on getting stuff done, instead of coding just to code, like a vast majority of people who hang around places like this do. Like that nice article that was posted today of someone who screwed around for 9 years and made no progress, making the same mistakes most people who posts in communities like these make.

Everything in Zen 5 and similar titles (they are flooding the mobile market) is standard stuff that have tutorials adnauseam (I didn't have access to those when I started). There is a billion and one tile map and sprites tutorials on the internet, and if the Op spends a month or to learning Java, he can have a sprite walking around a tile map in a day or so. Then he has plenty of time to implement a Zen 5 style game.

But with an attitude with yours, I'm sure it's more than impossible in ten years. It happens in every creative community. Those who want to create, create, and those who can't just hang around those that can and talk about it every day for years, producing nothing. But it's fun to throw those buzz words around!
Neat, how you categorically dismiss every single person on this forum in two posts, Daaark, but still continue to hang around anyway. Fuck you.

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