Check video ram usage

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10 comments, last by proanim 11 years, 2 months ago

There are plenty of factors that could cause the amount of available video RAM to vary. On a modern OS the window manager may be using some of the video RAM. On windows Vista or higher video RAM is virtualized so results can vary. Video RAM may be fragmented from previous runs so free space can be affected. With anything that uses a dedicated/shared memory architecture (e.g. Intel) you'll get a figure that may be just the amount of dedicated RAM left (i.e. quite low) or may be the total of dedicated + available system memory, or anything in between. Basically this isn't a figure that you should be basing crucial decisions in your program on; instead it seems better to me to use rough ballparks (e.g. with GL 3.x level hardware things are fairly well standardized at the ~1gb mark or higher).

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.


Turns out that ATI Radeon HD 6450 1GB DDR3 for whatever reason doesn't have support for GLEW_ATI_meminfo

I changed GLEW_ATI_meminfo to GL_ATI_meminfo and now the program prints out brand of the card.

There is no support for GL_ATI_meminfo or GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info but the code seems to work no problem with this.

But I still get negative value.

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