Lexigo - [iOS] an addictive head-to-head word game

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-1 comments, last by wiggles3dgames 11 years, 1 month ago

Lexigo started it's life as an award-winning board game. Today we are proud to announce that Lexigo is available on all iOS devices (coming soon to Android!).

Players compete head to head trying to spell the longest words they can and to get rid of all their tiles. Players earn Lexigold and can buy powerups and customize their game. The game features six-sided tiles that you use to spell words. You can spell your words in a twisty path, if you like. You can move in six different directions. And you can even backtrack to use letters more than once in the same word! One of the challenges of Lexigo is that each new word you spell has to start with the last letter of your previous word.

Check it out here for free in the iTunes store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lexigo/id523189972?ls=1&mt=8



We want your feedback! Please let us know what you think of the game and your experience playing it!


-- The Wiggles 3D Development Team


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