The Last Mission remake iOS

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-1 comments, last by Alexey Pavlov 11 years ago



I want to introduce an iOS game: it is an iOS version of a remake of a good old game made by Opera Soft in mid 80s. It has some changes in graphics, new music and sound, some gameplay fixes (actually, I had to make the game bit easier).

Here is the AppStore link:

It was originally designed for a keyboard, so playing on a touchscreen is a bit tricky, therefore iCade support was added.

The other interesting thing - this is an open source project, and it has ports for other devices (Dingoo, Pandora, etc.). The original remake game code is written by Dmitry Smagin, the complete game code is available here: I am the author of iOS port and the iOS portion of the game will also be available soon.

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