RTS lockstep multithreaded pathfinding

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11 comments, last by polyfrag 10 years, 10 months ago

I already wrote a single-threaded RTS. It comes out for iOS on the 14th. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/109630018/CorpStates.zip

If the synchronous, predictable, single threaded version looks like:
Path* result = FindPath(data);
ai->UsePath( result );
Then the asynchronous, predictable, multi-core version usually looks like:
Future<Path*> result = FindPath(data);
... Do as much other work as possible ...
ai->UsePath( result->GetData() );
The fact that multiple threads are used is an irrelevant detail from an external point of view. You can't have different clients returning results on different frames, because the wait statement synchronizes the threads within a single frame.

Internally, the FindPath function is pushing work into a queue that a thread pool consumes, the wait function stalls until that particular work item has been completed, and the get function fetches the return. Alive that was produced by the worker thread.

Well designed multi-core code of this kind should always behave exactly the same as the single-threaded implementation, with the only difference being that you get better performance if the user has more cores.

I'll move/update all the units before assigning pathfinding jobs to worker threads because the paths depend on unit positions (avoidance of other units). Then when all the worker threads are finished game state can be advanced one frame. While worker threads work, main thread will render and listen to events.

How would I do physics though? The result of physics for one object depends on other objects and the overall result depends on the order of processing of objects, so it has to be the same order for all clients. And physics is heavy.

I'd still make the path finding operation predictable (will find a result in exactly n frames) in a multi-core implementation.

I don't know how I could predict that or what for except to divide up the work evenly.

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