How to generate FNT files on a Mac?

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1 comment, last by Eamonn Dev Rea 10 years, 10 months ago

Ok, let me give you a little bit of BackStory:

I wanted to make almost 100% cross platform apps. I knew Java. I enjoyed Java. I wanted to use Slick2D for desktop stuff first. I was suggested by someone there to use LibGDX. LibGDX is good and bad. Mostly good, but some things are really hard to understand, as I'll mention later. So, now I'm learning LibGDX, but I need a way of generating .fnt files. I tried using my Windows partition with BMFont, didn't work. Font was messed up. No one on the LibGDX forums understands why and ridicules against me for using a Mac. I've tried using FontBuilder and BMFont using WINE. FontBuilder wont generate .fnt files and BMFont wont let me generate the particular type of font that I want. Hiero wont save any files and crashes every other use. Screenshot of Hiero:


No one on the forums will answer me or help me with this issue.

The LibGDX engine is the only engine I can find that will do this, and it saddens me that I don't understand it. The only 2 video tutorials that exist are far from helpful. None of the listed LibGDX tutorials help.

Also, there's this thing in Java that I don't understand, and thats when you have a data type and another type of data in angel brackets. I have no idea what it does. Here is an example:

public class ActorAccessor implements TweenAccessor<Actor>

What the heck does that do? Other then make a public class called ActorAccessor that implements the interface that doesn't make sense to me. It's the TweenAccessor<Actor> that I don't understand. I can't find any information on it anywhere. I've searched for days.

I also feel like I'm not going to remember how to do stuff in the engine, like the actor accessor. It doesn't make any sense. I think this is due to me not understanding the tutorials. If you're using LibGDX, did you ever have these issues/thoughts/worries/concerns?

So basically what I'm asking is how can I generate FNT files in Mac, and how can I get started with LibGDX? I've tried all the listed tutorials on the site and DermetFans tutorials. None make sense at ALL. unsure.png

Thanks! Any help is appreciated!

Also, there's this thing in Java that I don't understand, and thats when you have a data type and another type of data in angel brackets. I have no idea what it does. Here is an example:

public class ActorAccessor implements TweenAccessor<Actor>

What the heck does that do? Other then make a public class called ActorAccessor that implements the interface that doesn't make sense to me. It's the TweenAccessor<Actor> that I don't understand. I can't find any information on it anywhere. I've searched for days.

Thats called generic programming. for general information and the Oracle Java Generics Tutorial for Java specific stuff.

Its a widely used feature on many languages (except for the wildcards, you might want to leave those aside for now).


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

Thanks! But how do I get the FNT files on Mac?

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