Constant buffer madness! [fixed]

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10 comments, last by Capoeirista 10 years, 9 months ago

Each field in a constant buffer must be 16-byte aligned

#define ALIGN_REGISTER _declspec(align(16))

struct LightingConstants
     DirectX::XMFLOAT3    myLightDirection;
     ALIGN_REGISTER DirectX::XMFLOAT3    myLightColour;
     ALIGN_REGISTER DirectX::XMFLOAT3    myCameraPosition;
     ALIGN_REGISTER DirectX::XMFLOAT2    myHalfPixel;
     ALIGN_REGISTER DirectX::XMFLOAT4X4    myInverseViewProjection;
     float            myPadding;

.... should work. But maybe XM... types are already aligned, with D3DX I have to manually align the fields.

My explanation is quite bad, please check this

Not all variables in a constant buffer will be aligned to 16-byte boundaries. Alignment issues only occur when a variable will straddle a 16-byte boundary. So for instance this constant buffer won't require any special alignment in your C++ struct:

cbuffer Constants
    float Var0; // Offset == 0
    float Var1; // Offset == 4
    float Var2; // Offset == 8
    float Var3; // Offset == 12
However something like this will cause the alignment rules to kick in:

cbuffer Constants
    float Var0;  // Offset == 0
    float Var1;  // Offset == 4
    float3 Var2; // Offset == 16, since a float 3 would occupy bytes [8-20] which would cross the boundar
    float Var3;  // Offset == 20

Hello MJP. That's why I suggested to follow the link....

Could we say that vectors and matrices must be 16-bytes aligned and scalars musn't ?

Yes indeed the link spells out all of the rules in detail, I just wanted to make sure that anyone reading in this thread didn't come away with incorrect information. smile.png

Saying that vectors need to be aligned and scalars don't is also incorrect. A float2 vector won't need to be aligned if it starts on byte 4 or byte 8, since it can still fit within a 16-byte boundary. Same goes for a float3 that starts on byte 4. Matrices can also be a bit weird if you don't use a float4x4, since you have to consider the alignment for each row. For instance a float3x3 will get packed as 3 float3's, with each float3 aligned to the next 16-byte boundary.


Thanks for all the help and information folks!

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