Statemanager overriding draw function help!

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2 comments, last by rip-off 10 years, 9 months ago

So I got a state manager class setup, so far so good.

My game starts with the state "menuState" and I choose my "help" option in the start menu screen to show me controllers or something.

So I override my class "draw(Graphics2D g)" (wich is the function for drawing the "menuState" wich draw all the menuoptions with a simple drawstring) and name it "drawHelp(Graphics2D g) and I get an error when calling drawHelp() or drawHelp(Graphics2D g).

Im so horrible at OOP so atm my mind is blank.. How can I solve this?


Step one would be to mention what programming language you are using. Then you might try saying what error your program got.

It's pretty obvious im using Java.

Do not redact your posts.

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