Some Queries about game dev?

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10 comments, last by 3Ddreamer 10 years, 7 months ago

Another Question:

What is the different between SDK,IDE,Engine and(I'm not sure) etc ??

In a few weeks time it would be a long 2-3 months school holiday for me...So instead of enjoying and playing throughout the months,I actually wanna learn and experience something new....

Thanks for answering!

EDIT: Is UDK,Unreal Engine,Unity or Cry Engine better? An engine that supports multiplayer online,joining a server and stuff? I want to make something in my freetime like a surviving game,a sandbox game(maybe),where you can craft and place doors,and stuff..of a broken building or such...

Don't know about modelling designing,are they included in the sdk/engines?(I guess not,so do we attach the images and stuff(sound effects,etc) ??

The 3D modelling/animation,can I create them using seperate softwares( I learnt 3Dsmax)..

Thanks!(sorry for these 'silly' questions)


This is going to be an over-simplification and over-generalization for the sake of clarity in explaining, but here goes:

SDK stands for Software Development Kit (a software in its own right usually) and, like the name "kit" implies, is good enough for most development situations in creating software and applications. Each software developed contains applications inside it with a variety of different kinds of libraries attached or needed, so having an SDK framework which is a pre-made work pipeline is a huge labor and time saver. A common example of an SDK is the Windows SDK to make Windows based applications to run in the .NET Framework under the Common Language Runtime Environment, such as a game GUI which is targeting the Windows OS. Often an SDK works alongside other SDKs within a greater IDE, but they almost always may be used independently in most cases. Some SDKs are designed to be used with a certain game engine, which is an example of a third party SDK.

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment and generally includes two or more software and also individual applications combined with interfaces to connect with internal or external libraries (which are more comprehensive than the typical SDK) to provide a more extensive framework for development of software or applications. An IDE tends to be more expansive in general than other frameworks and depends on the developer having experience enough to be able to build the nuts and bolts, nitty-gritty original coding from bottom to top, high and low level coding. Developers who are going to make software mostly "from scratch" will tend to consider more closely whether to use an IDE or not. An IDE is most efficient for a team to use, but some indy developers might have the time to spend the long hours in coding new software with an IDE. Individual applications are well inside the ability of most coders to use an IDE to develop them, so they are not limited to only software development.

Game engines are development frameworks which share some traits with both SDKs and IDEs but a game engine is deliberately designed for game development and within pre-determined objectives according to the game engine developers. An example is a Java based 2D game engine targeting mobiles. Another is a 3D game engine using C++ for PCs and consoles. Within these general goals are sub-sets such as RPG, FPS, Turn-based, online, offline, MOMP, and so on. Some game engines require a third party SKD or IDE to really take advantage of the full features of the game engines, maybe even allow a plug-in connections with another framework.

All of the major game engines are about at par with one another, so which is best is really a matter of preference according to your goals. Unity and Torque 3D are examples which have huge support in the form of art assets shopping ( Artists selling art made for them, but some no cost or low cost items are available, too.).


Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

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