Finding Files in a Directory on Windows, with Lua Scripts : Issue I Can't Figure Out

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10 comments, last by c_fried_rice 10 years, 3 months ago

Hrm, I did that but it just printed out each individual character. =S

Anyone have any suggestions for trying to bind my initSongs() function to Lua so I can call it in my lua script and return a std::vector?

Or does anyone have any suggestions on another way to do this with Lua and luaBridge?



void SongSelect::initSongs(lua_State* L)
	// code based off of code found on Google, with modifications to create the track objects
	WIN32_FIND_DATA file_search;

	HANDLE handle = FindFirstFile("Assets/Scripts/Songs/*.lua", &file_search);

		Track track;
		std::string song_file;
		std::stringstream song_file_stream;
		std::stringstream song_name;
		song_file_stream << "Assets/Scripts/Songs/" << file_search.cFileName;
		song_name << file_search.cFileName;
		std::string name = song_name.str();
		song_file = song_file_stream.str();


		std::string sub_song = name.substr(0, name.size() - 4);

		int error = luaL_loadfile(L, song_file.c_str());

		if (error)
			std::cout << lua_tostring(L, -1) << std::endl;

		if (lua_pcall(L, 0 , 0, 0) != 0)
			std::cout<<"Error (Song Init): "<<lua_tostring(L, -1)<<std::endl;
			track = luabind::object_cast<Track>(luabind::globals(L)[sub_song.c_str()]);
			Track* p_track = track.clone();
	} while (FindNextFile(handle, &file_search));


So I'm going to bump this thread. This is my new code, using Luabind instead of Luabridge. I still encounter the same issue, however I've found that it happens when I hit the lua_pcall() line for the third time. This corrupts the first two objects in the vector called songs.

Anyone have any tips on what I could do to fix the corruption issue?

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