
SNES Like 5 Layer 320x240 Graphics Library

Started by March 25, 2014 05:50 PM
18 comments, last by Promit 10 years, 5 months ago

I looked at your vertex shader code as well, and I don't think you understand what it is that you're trying to achieve.

For one thing the DP4 (Vector) style design ended with the 7x00 series of GeForce cards more than 8 years ago. The G80 onwards have all been Scalar designs, they were released in 2006, which means that all you get from trying to exploit Vector instructions is (potentially) a little bit of pipeline improvement.

Also if all you're trying to do is draw things too a screen then your still much worse off doing it on the CPU and then blitting the result to the screen using the GPU and THEN trying to do the blending in a very poor way using a shader.

"Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile"

"Life is short, [the] craft long, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgement difficult."

First of all lets clear up a misconception: You don't pay nVidia / AMD/ Intel or anyone else for using the OpenGL or DirectX APIs. They are free and if someone has told you that you have to pay to get better performance then you have been misinformed (Lied too).

You can write code, and compile it, run it, give away that programs etc, all without paying anyone and you will enjoy access to the same performance as everyone else does including big companies.

The reason your program runs slowly is because of the way that it is written, not because of nVidia / AMD, just because of your code.

fastCall22 has given you some of the reasons why it is slow and they should be easy enough to understand:

  • Loading the image every frame - ask yourself this question: which is faster, loading something, copying, then deleting it and repeating that every frame, or loading it once, using it until the program ends and only then releasing it? The answer is obviously that it is always faster to do less work so loading/deleting it only once is always going to be faster.
  • Software blitting - this is very slow and unnecessary. You should look into drawing textured quads (2 triangles), load your images (once only) turn the, into a texture and apply that texture too your quads, render those using opengl instead or blitting to the layers using software.
  • Updating your buffers every frame - Your data isn't changing so why are you updating them? Create them, fill them with data, and then use them every frame without updating them anymore. This goes back to the first problem of doing more work than you need/want to do each frame. This one comes with a 2nd problem though, you've told OpenGL that you won't update them very often by using the STATIC_DRAW flag... but then you are updating all of the time. That means that OpenGL has to do a lot of extra work which means that _you_ are slowing it down.

Everyone has to start learning somewhere, and I started with the NeHe tutorials a long time ago as well, but part of learning involves listening to what other people are trying to tell you.


Buddy, just call NVIDIA customer service and ASK FOR IT before you tell lies to people.

Scalar design is ADDED TO DP4 unit, not REPLACED.

I don't know which industry you are from but I'm from the industry I've been here since 1997.

You say software blitting is slow then why is PyGame hardware assisted blitting is slow on GeForce Titan? Everybody knows about PyGame so I talk about pygame but I'm actually saying can you do 1440*900 5 Layers fullscreen blitting every frame with your current technology?


stop feeding...

To clarify finally, it is 320x240 people. It is just resize the window of Lesson45.exe.

320x240 software/hardware blitting doesn't matter.

Images loaded every frame is 8x16 and 8x8 pixel resolution.

I told you to read code and you didn't even read and understood my code and talk like professional. Don't ruin it, it is going to be a big technology in the future for Raspberry Pi and other cheap computers.

(most of this is just speculation)

You can pay NVidia/AMD to get premium support etc, which might mean some people will help you create the best code for their graphics cards. I can imagine someone saying "you pretty much have to pay for a premium membership to get optimal performance", meaning you need their expertise to be able to utilize their cards to their fullest potential. There's no real technical advantage though, more access to knowledge.

You might also get access to some better tools, though I think most of them are free?. It may also be that you can use those "NVidia - the way it's meant to be played" etc logos only if you pay them or enter some form of partnership.

If your game is very successful, then NVidia and/or AMD may take an extra look at your shaders etc, wether you pay them or not, to make sure the game runs as fast as possible on their cards. This is to make their own cards more competitive though.

@Krypton - my apologies I initially thought there was actually hope in here for it being a simple misunderstanding and maybe he could learn something :(

@WalkingTimeBomb - I'm a bit concerned that you're telling people that there is some secret-paid-for drivers/code that make "something" (I cannot figure out what) run much faster once you've paid for it. There isn't. You buy the hardware and you have full access too do with it what you like using the various API's available. Both AMD and nVidia give away a lot of code samples, for free, that prove you can do anything with your own code that they do with theirs.

Also don't rely on stating your own years of experience to try and get leverage in discussions on the forums, a lot of us are full-time professional game developers.

I still don't know what it is that you think is so amazing about that code but it's worth noting that the Raspberry Pi also has a dedicated GPU which people have access too and for which there are open source drivers.


won't post again in here, sorry for feeding the troll :/

"Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile"

"Life is short, [the] craft long, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgement difficult."


You can pay NVidia/AMD to get premium support etc, which might mean some people will help you create the best code for their graphics cards. I can imagine someone saying "you pretty much have to pay for a premium membership to get optimal performance", meaning you need their expertise to be able to utilize their cards to their fullest potential. There's no real technical advantage though, more access to knowledge.

nVidia's "TWIMTBP" program just gets you visits from one of their engineers, help with optimising things and if you've found a bug with their drivers then it might get prioritised (I think) but a lot of the optimisation is stuff you can do yourself and all of the tools I've ever encountered have been available for free. Although sometimes they have access to slightly newer version that aren't yet public - nothing revolutionary.

"Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile"

"Life is short, [the] craft long, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgement difficult."

I am the moderator for this forum and have been for years. I have no idea what to do about this thread.

I also worked for NVIDIA briefly. There's no such thing as licensing, and there's nobody at NVIDIA waiting to accept your money to make your GPU faster. The last software license I can remember NV charging for acceleration was the PureVideo stuff back when GPU video encode/decode was just coming in. Additionally, the GT 8800 technical brief mentions explicitly that the new design is scalar. That was in 2006.

You didn't mention what industry YOU are from but it appears to be one suffering from a lot of completely incorrect information.

SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.

Just close it, it's a nonsense thread - with at worst some misinformation about needing to pay for drivers... or something, I'm not sure!

"Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile"

"Life is short, [the] craft long, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgement difficult."


P.S. You're not supposed to call BufferData every frame when using STATIC_DRAW.

SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.

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