Adventure To Fate (iOS JRPG for iPhone / iPad)

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1 comment, last by TouchMint 10 years ago

Hi my name is Randal Higgins I am an indie developer and my first game will be releasing on iPad and iPhone May 8th. I created this game from the ground up in objective-c in xcode. I tried to challenge myself a bit so I did not use any game engines or external frameworks. If anyone has any questions feel free to let me know id love to chat.

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Adventure To Fate : A Quest To The Core – is an JRPG style game with a medieval fantasy setting.

Here are a few screens as well.





Hey guys thanks for taking a look! to my suprise Adventure To Fate has really taken off! ATF is currently 5th in role-playing games and 103rd in all games on the app store.

feel free to ask any questions or post comments about the game here.

Direct Download Link:

I just submitted version update 1.1 to Apple here is the update log:

***New Features***

-Added more types of monsters, item drops and rooms to the first 3-4 floors. (For better initial experience)

-Added swap item ability. (You can now swap items instead of having to unequip and equip)

-Added options to turn music and sfx on/off on starting screen and character menu. (You can now play your own music)

-Added easier to read item info. (Items now only show the bonus stats with values > 0)

-Changed how prompts are displayed for battle, not enough resources and death. (Each is set on a 1 second timer instead of having to tap ok to continue).

-Added randomization to character creation. (human knight is no longer default selection)

-Added more movement to character attacks.

-Sped up npc attack speed 10%.

-Added direct support email to about page.

-Added direct game rating link inside about page.

***Bug Fixes***

-Fixed various spelling/grammar mistakes.

-Fixed the mislinked rooms on floors 13 & 21. (were trapping players)

-Fixed players getting stuck in walls after death or portaling then quitting game.
Fixed saving location after death
Fixed saving location after warps
Added ability to warp if you are stuck.

-Fixed unequip all skills bug. (when you removed them all you could not equip any)

Thanks again for all the support guys!

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