Drive Any Track [PC] - futuristic arcade racer that creates a racetrack from any song

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0 comments, last by la5tn1nja 9 years, 3 months ago


Drive Any Track (DAT) is an arcade racer with a difference. You can choose any track from your music library and DAT will convert it into a racetrack. DAT is inspired by some of our favourite games like Wipeout, Trackmania, Vib-Ribbon and Audiosurf.

Here's our Alpha trailer which we've just uploaded:

And some screenshots:




We put DAT on Greenlight on Friday, which is both very exciting and terrifying in equal measure. blink.png

Our hope is to make it onto Steam, go to Early Access and spend some time developing the game alongside the community there.

Thanks for your time and please reply with any questions about the game. smile.png


I'm stoked to announce that Drive Any Track has been Greenlit after 12 days! biggrin.png


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