Play services cannot connect players in a turn based game.

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-1 comments, last by menyo 9 years, 3 months ago

Hi, I must be overlooking something very simple since I cannot find the answer anywhere and I'm doing everything as the manual tells me to. The problem is connecting two players in a 2 player turn based game. I am using the Unity3D api.

  • I have succesfully uploaded my app and activated google play services.
  • I can connect two phones with different accounts to the play services through my app.
  • I can create a turn based game.

The problem is joining another player to the created game. Afaik this joining is automatically done by running PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.TurnBased.CreateQuickMatch(1, 2, 0, OnMatchStarted); on two different devices/apps. This is how I authenticate the player on the Play Services netwrok:

PlayGamesPlatform.Activate(); //Called on Awake() method.	

public void SignIn() {
		if (!PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.localUser.authenticated) {
			PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.Authenticate ((bool success) => {
				if (success) {
					Debug.Log (PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.localUser.userName + " signed in.");
				} else {
					Debug.Log ("Failed to sign in!");
			}, true);
		} else {
			Debug.Log(PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.localUser.userName + " already signed in!");

Both my accounts sign in without problems but when I start a match using CreateQuickMatch things start to go wrong. When a match gets created i imidiatly get the call back that the match is succesfully started. If I check the status of this TurnBasedMatch it returns active. But only one player joined it does not matter if minOpponents is 1 or 10.

private void NewGame() //Called on button click
		PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.TurnBased.CreateQuickMatch(1, 2, 0, OnMatchStarted);

	//Match callback
	private void OnMatchStarted(bool succes, TurnBasedMatch match)
		if (succes)
			Debug.Log("Game succesfully started, waiting for players...");
			TurnBasedHelper.match = match;
			Debug.Log("Slots: " + match.AvailableAutomatchSlots); //Return == minOpponents
			Debug.Log(match.Participants.Count + " players connected."); //Always returns one.

			Debug.Log("Game failed to start");
        //Here match.status is already active.

Can't believe I cannot find any info to get me further. I simply need to join two players in a game. Hope somebody can explain what I'm doing wrong.

  • I tried it from 2 different networks (my own and 4G)
  • Increased/decreased min/max player count. This increases the available slots match.AvailableAutomatchSlots
  • Obviously I am still testing, both accounts are supplied for testing in the services config.
  • I activated TurnBased game in the services config.
  • I can get leaderboards and achievements working.
  • When Insalled on two devices and running this code, both will create a new match with only 1 player (self) in it.

I need some insight into where things go wrong.

  1. Is it normal the game goes into "Active" status immediately after creation?
  2. Do i need to setup PlayGamesClientConfiguration for the random matchmaking system:
  3. Are there other things besides my code that could mess things up when I am connecting users to the playstore? Besides setting turn-based on in the developer console?
  4. Should this work when just pressing build and run with the android devices hooked up?

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