Can anyone recommend any examples of game source code (particularly C#/Monogame/XNA)?

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1 comment, last by maldakkak 9 years, 1 month ago

One of the things I've been trying to figure out is how to best structure a game's code. I've been reading over all the material I can find on programming architecture, patterns, OOP design.

But I think what would be really helpful is some real-world examples of game design in which I can peruse the code to see how others are structuring their games.

I know there is free source code for things like id games, and others, but I'm wondering if there are good examples of smaller games, especially those written in C#?

I could probably be convinced to share some parts of my xna game. I never finished it and moved on to writing in directx and c++ so it's somewhat obsolete to me and without the assets it isn't like you're going to release it as a game...

Prod me after Tuesday and I'll send you a link to a zip :)
I would suggest this one:

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