How to set HLSL constant table without D3DX in D3D9

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11 comments, last by Dave Hunt 9 years ago

d3d9_xx.dll does not exists in Windows XP SP3...


  • Instruct your users to update their DirectX, which will bring down them all.
  • Don't support XP.

Neither is unreasonable.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.


I've also seen games shipping with the D3DX9_??.dll it was compiled against (installed next to the exe). Scanning my steam games shows three different versions of them.

Given that D3DX has been deprecated, I would think for new development, the OP's time would be better spent going with the flow (DirectX Tool Kit, DirectXMath, D3DCompile), rather than finding ways to keep using it. Keeping a dependency to a deprecated and, in later versions obsolete, library won't make porting to newer versions of D3D any easier.

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