SampleGrad on TextureCubeArray

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7 comments, last by kevinvannerum 8 years, 1 month ago

Hi all,

I'm currently implementing a light probe system. I'm passing the captured data of my 8 closest (specular) light probes to the shader as a TextureCubeArray. I'm using a workflow similar to clustered lighting to determine the list of which probes are needed.

Because I have a list, with a variable number of applicable probes per pixel, I need to use SampleGrad in my evaluation loop as the shader otherwise tries to enforce an unroll.

This is the call to my local specular probes (shader model 5 SampleGrad) :

float3 EnvColor = Loc_Spec.SampleGrad(LinearSampler, float4(dir, lightProbeIndex), SampleGrad_Probe_DDX, SampleGrad_Probe_DDY, LOD).rgb;

My problem: It always samples the first cube in the array. I can pass whatever for 'lightProbeIndex', it does not make a difference.

Capturing the executable however, shows that Loc_Spec is a correctly build array of 8 cubes, each with 6 correctly ordered faces, as expected.

Has anyone encountered a similar problem with SampleGrad before?


PS: Captured Texture/Sampler characteristics below for added info.


Type: Cube Array

Width/Height: 128

Depth: 1

Array Size: 48

Format: R11G11B10_FLOAT


Addressing: UVW: CLAMP


LOD Clamp: 0-FLT_MAX

Mip Bias: 0


What is your lightProbeIndex ranging from/to? I think it needs to be in whole steps, like 1.0 for second cube in array, 2.0 for third etc. :)


That's exactly how I try to address them :) (Although, in desperation, I tried every other possibility as well)

Do you believe this issue is specific to SampleGrad or do Sample / SampleLevel exhibit the same behaviour?

Have you tried the WARP driver to rule out a driver bug?

Adam Miles - Principal Software Development Engineer - Microsoft Xbox Advanced Technology Group

It is an issue with SampleGrad. I previously had a working test with SampleLevel.

The WARP driver does not fix the issue either.

Have you tried not passing LOD (last parameter, it's optional)?


Yes, same result. Always first cube, but in that case also always highest mip of course.

Can you show me the SRV description you use to create the SRV?

Adam Miles - Principal Software Development Engineer - Microsoft Xbox Advanced Technology Group

There was a lack of a decent SRV description for the TextureCubeArray type. That slipped past since I had no hand in that part and the capture gave correct results. Thx for the hint :)

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