We are looking for members to join the Z1P UP Team !

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3 comments, last by K4su 6 years, 6 months ago

Hello this is team Z1P UP we are looking for new members to join our team as we make different types of games , learn skills ranging from audio editing and production right up to cinematics and programming , we are looking for members from any status such as learing to advanced users . We are all friendly and help each other out on our Discord server maintained professionally and made with time and care , we are hoping to see you guys over soon to talk and make progress over on our Discord chat . 

The Team Founder Z1P UP 


Discord Chat : https://discord.gg/z9TrYc


Sounds great. I have done sfx and music for a few games, most noteably Jailbreak Island. PM me if you'd like to work together. 

All the best,


hey i would love to join. I'm new to the community but would love to start with people that i can learn with as a team so if you are interested in contacting me my discord is, Kurupted#1206 i do some c# programming in unity and would love to learn more stuff!

Hey, that seems like a nice team you have. The invitation link is probably expired and I can't join discord, are you guys looking for other people?

I am studying CS part-time and love gaming in general. I know a couple of programming languages (not including c#, but I am learning it at school) and I use C and C++ at work. I can't say I have made a lot of progress with game programming but this semester I have a class about OpenGL. I always was interested in game programming and if there is a possibility to perhaps code on small projects together and help eachother giving reviews or suggestions, I would like to join :)

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