How to declare different const variable when lpCmdLine is different?

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6 comments, last by SledgeHammer 22 years, 3 months ago
Hi. I recently learn how to use lpCmdLine like game.exe -easy , etc... // mode=0=easy ... void whatmode() { if (mode==0) { #define MaxEnermy 1 } if (mode==1) { #define MaxEnermy 2 } if (mode==2) { #define MaxEnermy 3 } } Now, when I start the game, MaxEnermy seems to be 3 everytime. So what i want to know is how can I define a constant within a function, but can also be called globally, because I can''t have an if statement without being in a function. In other word, if "game -easy" is executed, I want MaxEnermy=1, and "game -normal" is executed, MaxEnermy=2. Thanks in advance
It''s called a global variable.

If you really want to declare a symbol, though, you can do this at the top of your source file:
#define MaxEnemy 1 

and then when you test mode, do this:
...if(mode == 3){#ifdef MaxEnemy  #undef MaxEnemy  #define MaxEnemy 3#endif}... 

Personally, I''d advise you to use a simple integer instead. That way, you could use the value of mode directly and change it more easily.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
quote:Original post by Oluseyi
It''s called a global variable.

If you really want to declare a symbol, though, you can do this at the top of your source file:
#define MaxEnemy 1  

and then when you test mode, do this:
...if(mode == 3){#ifdef MaxEnemy  #undef MaxEnemy  #define MaxEnemy 3#endif}...  

Personally, I''d advise you to use a simple integer instead. That way, you could use the value of mode directly and change it more easily.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!

Err... doesn''t the preprocessor work BEFORE the parser ? Which means that #directives are blissfully ignorant of the control flow of the program outside of their own #ifs

In SledgeHammer''s example, the macro is redefined 3 times (regardless of the value of mode), while you just undefined it temporarily ?

In short, I doubt a macro would ever work. Go for the global int.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
#define is a preprocessor directive. Before your source code is compiled, the preprocessor looks through it for directives beginning with the ''#'' character. It then simply does a text replacement based on the symbols you''ve defined, and pretty much ignores everything else (perhaps a bit oversimplified, but it''s sufficient). So, basically, when you use something like this:

...if(mode == 3){    #ifdef MaxEnemy        #undef MaxEnemy        #define MaxEnemy 3    #endif}else if (mode == 4){    #ifdef MaxEnemy        #undef MaxEnemy        #define MaxEnemy 4    #endif}...  

The preprocessor will first go through the code...and it basically sees this:

    #ifdef MaxEnemy        #undef MaxEnemy        #define MaxEnemy 3    #endif    #ifdef MaxEnemy        #undef MaxEnemy        #define MaxEnemy 4    #endif 

After the preprocessor is done, the compiler sees this:

...if(mode == 3){}else if (mode == 4){}... 

Now, if you actually used "MaxEnemy" in an expression, it would get replaced with 4, because that''s exactly what you told it do:

num_enemies = MaxEnemy; 

Compiler sees this:

num_enemies = 4; 

It''s easy to see that using the preprocessor for something like this is not going to achieve the results you want it to.
So if I can''t use #define , can I use const int MaxEnemy to set value within the function and still be a global variable?

You don''t want it to be "const" if you plan on changing it based on a condition (which it looks like you are doing).

Do something like this:

int num_enemies;int WINAPI WinMain (...LPSTR lpCmdLine, ...){    ...    if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-easy") == 0)    {        num_enemies = 2;    }    else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-hard") == 0)    {        num_enemies = 3;    }    ...}void DoSomethingInteresting (void){    ...    switch (num_enemies)    {        ...    }    ...} 

As long as you declare a variable outside of a function, class, or method, it''s global, and you can use it anywhere in the same source file.
Okay. But i don''t know how to make the other function that use const to change to int. For example, the tutorial provider has

typedef struct _moveobject
float x;
float y;
int active;
float xspeed;
float yspeed;
int style;
int energy;
long score;
int fire;
int wayhadgone;
int other;

moveobject player[MaxPlayer];
moveobject enermy[MaxEnermy];

How can I use int for the above example, because I know how the int can be defined outside of function, but the whole program is written for const variable, and I don''t know how I can change it to int. I get the following errors when I don''t use #define MaxEnermy or const int MaxEnermy outside of function, but it doesn''t acheive what I want to do.

error C2057: expected constant expression
error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
@Fruny: thanks for the heads up. Can''t believe I overlooked that.

@SledgeHammer: Your problem with constant values is that the statement you showed is a declaration. You can''t declare a constant-length array with a variable parameter. You''d need to do dynamic memory allocation for that, which is beyond your current scope.

Here''s a workaraound though: always declare the maximum number of enemies possible (say, 5), but only use up to MaxEnemy:
moveobject Enemies[5];...// in your main loop:for(int n = 0; n < MaxEnemy; ++n)  // do something to/with Enemies[n]; 

Happy Hacking!

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!

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