Win32 GDI graphics

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2 comments, last by santonel 21 years, 11 months ago
Ok , so im writing a simple version of pong for graphics andI have a function I wrote to load a 24 bit targa file into memory. I wrote a function to display them but it is pretty damn slow (Using SetPixel in a loop to draw the image). So i need a way to blit these things into memory and to do double buffering. I have head pf DIBs and CreateDIBSection() but the code i have seen has confused the hell out of me. So can someone explain to me a) what a DIB is , how tthey work and how to use them. b) how to load raw 24bit RGB data into one and c) How to do double buffering without MFC or C++ because they make my life miserable. -Thanx , Santonel
quote:Original post by santonel
a) what a DIB is , how tthey work and how to use them.

Take a look here.
b) how to load raw 24bit RGB data into one

DIB consists of raw data, except it''s DWORD-aligned.
c) How to do double buffering

This is more of a DC-related topic that a DIB-related one. In short, create a compatible memory DC and do all your drawing over there, and then blit the memory DC to the screen DC in one call.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
BTW, this belongs in the beginners forum.
on raw data, I also load targa files, and use CreateBitmap() for an hbitmap type. Then you can use select objects, hdc''s, and bitblt functions. Which should be everything you need.

this might help:

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