
Latest Materials Activity

I have a general understanding of materials but would like a firm grasp on how to make some things that are more complex, such as a material that has movement, like water for instance. Are there any recommendations for learning the intricacies like this?


Typically there will be a conceptual “mesh”, that is actually comprised of multiple “SubMeshes”. When you export a cube with a different material on each face, Unity will import that as a Mesh with one SubMesh for each face, and each SubMesh will only have a single material. 

How can i create a colour in blueprints for a material in Unreal which consists of 2 colours that create a gradient?

Hey everyone, 

I appreciate you taking the time to read this and or help me out ?

Looking for a little help with blueprints in the material editor. I am trying to make a custom diamond like material and took some of the blueprint setups from other materials which are not custom. As the question …

Why my shader is visible outside of Viewport mask of ScrollView?

Hello. In my project in Unity I have a ScrollView. Scroll panel in Unity has the next structure.

Viewport has Mask that makes visible elements of Content only inside this mask.

When in Content I have an Image that uses a material with my custom shader (just a color gradient), this image becomes visib…

Why my shader is visible outside of Viewport mask of ScrollView?

Hello. In my project in Unity I have a ScrollView. Scroll panel in Unity has the next structure.

Viewport has Mask that makes visible elements of Content only inside this mask.

When in Content I have an Image that uses a material with my custom shader (just a color gradient), this image becomes visib…


After getting some good feedback so far on this forum, I'm back again. This time it's about preprocessing rendering data. Sorry for the long rant but this is a complicated topic to me and I wanted to explain the issue well.

Currently, I'm rewriting my mishmash of 500 billion (ok more like 15, but pl…


Okay, took me a while because I had a completely out of nowhere bug that made my skybox shake... but this is kind of what I came up with.

void Renderable::updateBuffersAuto(ID3D11DeviceContext* cont) const
	for (int i = 0; i < mat->getVS()->_bufferMetaData.size(); i++)
		for (const CB…