FREE IMAGE LIBRARY (yes, its that free)

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53 comments, last by beaton_john 21 years, 4 months ago
Not to be nitpicky or anything but judging by the general patterns you were making, it would be why share my files in windows when I can use ftp ;P
Sad part is that the flamers dont realize how incredibly stupid they are.

quote:However, how would people know if they want to use it over another library which does the same thing but for many image formats? Why should people use a much more limited library than whats been freely available for a long time?

quote:How do you know about the implementation? There is NO source code available as you''ve already stated.
So why should I use it? I can''t learn anything from it and OpenIL etc is much more efficient I suppose.

Why do people make their own game engines when there are other out there? Why did Linus make Linux when there was other OS out there? Why do people insist on making texteditors when there are emacs? Why do people make Hello World applications when there are one already?

Noone put a gun to your head and told you to try it or die. If you tried it and didnt like it so be it. Whats the harm with it. The original poster was happy that he have done something and wated to share it to the community. Why not just try it and if you dont want it, dont use it. He even said it would be good for newbies. He never claimed it was better or worse, just shared his work. When did you do it the last time, and did people go "WOW ILL NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT!"?


"Everybody can write an image/texture part for his engine or demo and then said that it''s an image library for begginers."

There are plenty of programmers that can come here and say the very same thing about all your creations. How happy I would be if lets say, Carmack came here in all his glory told you that you suck and there is no reason why you should continue to program, because he can do everything you can already.

Whats the point with discouraging people that dont have the mad leet skills you got? Even if they dont know what you know now, maybe they will later if they get motivated rather than taunted. Why didnt you try it, tell him what you thought and gave him your suggestions or ideas? Or atleast had the decency to be silent. Even NOT posting is better than just type a load of crap to make someone not wanting to ever come here and post his stuff again.

To sum this post up, Ill use Einstein (or wait, why him when there was a zillion of people before him?):
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I''m not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein

What does God want?
Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness?
Is a man who chooses the bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him?
Domine non secundum peccata nostra facias nobis
While I agree that many products offer similar surfaces, each can compete in it''s own way. libGDN, while far from being a mature product, is aiming towards a highly componentized library. You don''t have to use all the stuff offered, nor is it very interdependent. It''s not an engine. And, it''s cross API (and hence cross OS), and not only in just the standard APIs. You could easily write an interface to make a system with your own software renderer, or even *shudder* GDI.

Gamedev for learning.
libGDN for putting it all together.
An opensource, cross platform, cross API game development library.
VSEDebug Visual Studio.NET Add-In. Enhances debugging in ways never thought possible.
CPMan: I was just being sarcastic to show the people how ignorant they are. Ive followed your project and I like it. Was no ebil meant .

Domine non secundum peccata nostra facias nobis

[edited by - Zorak on January 6, 2003 10:15:29 PM]
Domine non secundum peccata nostra facias nobis
quote:Original post by Zorak
Even NOT posting is better than just type a load of crap to make someone not wanting to ever come here and post his stuff again.

This applies to the original poster as much as anyone else. It applies to yourself as well. I posted what I think was a good clarification of WHY the kinds of responses we've seen in this thread are normal for this kind of post. You can choose to ignore them, but that will just put you in my "unprofessional attitude" drawer, like it or not.

Oh, you said
He even said it would be good for newbies.

Why would it be good for newbies, if it's buggy (by admittance of the author!), and by extrapolation probably not the clearest design?

I don't mean to belittle the hard work beaton_john has done. Coding together a DLL that loads image formats and works for your own purposes is quite a nice achievement. A post along the lines of "I've written an image loading library, I'd be very grateful to anyone who has a look over it to help iron out bugs and interface issues" would be sufficient. It's probably what he meant in the first place.

[edited by - MadKeithV on January 7, 2003 3:39:51 AM]
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
Problem with ill-appreciative jackasses is that they not only overtake the original poster''s thread, they also serve to discourage the original poster from attempting to make his work better, or contributing something to the community in the future.

If we can''t grow as programmers, developers, and human beings in general by making constructive criticism to our fellows instead of through negativity, then what is the point of having a community website at all?

beaton_john: thanks for contributing something to GameDev, and I''m sorry it received the negative attention that it did. Please ignore those fools and keep up the good work!


a little food for thought.
a person can use a hammer to drive a nail, but it is more fun and educational to learn how to construct a hammer to drive a nail.

sorry.. I''m (YAWN!) sleepy
good night

The nightmare travels across the cosmos with his burning mane. The trail of ash that is produced.

?Have a nice day!?

quote:Original post by GoofProg
a little food for thought.
a person can use a hammer to drive a nail, but it is more fun and educational to learn how to construct a hammer to drive a nail.

It''s even more fun and educational to accept that a hammer is a pretty low-level thing, that it''s been perfected quite enough, and you might as well skip the "constructing a hammer" part (the ones you get in stores are perfectly alright, and better than the ones you can build yourself), and get straight to building entire sheds instead.

Again, I''m NOT belittling the original poster, good job on programming a basic image library. I''m just saying that most builders are not going to be interested in your make-shift hammer, they already have hammers. Now, if you use that hammer to build a great shed, some of us might take notice - you''ll have demonstrated the ability to build a good hammer that actually works for sheds.

It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
Hey guys,guys!Just wanted to ask to both of you and wanted to tell something to the 16 year guy that wrote to FREE LIBRARY.Nobody who posts stuff in this forum or who reads GameDev from time to time MUST NO BE CALLED IDIOT.Do you know what IDIOT really means.There is some kids in my school which you can call idiots.I''ll give you a sample.They don''t stand up from the computer plaing CS,DIABLO II and other crap all day,they don''t go to school,they smoke like a chemney(don''t even now WHAT are they smoking),they are drunk every day and they don''t give a shit about game programming(in fact they don''t give a shit about their education!!!).I was wrong the first time when i told Beaton_John that his library is stupid.I was very,very wrong.Just the fact that he sit on the chair in front of the computer and wrote something that he want to give it to us absolutely free makes him not an idiot but a hero.You guys seems like educated guys and i''ve not expected from you to call yourselfs idiots!And some final words.We have wrote 37(38 now :-))) posts trying to prove that we''re better that Beaton_John in OpenGL(now i think that this is just not true).Well...that''s my reply to this post.

Bye now!

Beaton_John keep up the good work!

The PAIN is coming...this summer!!!In cinemas everywhere.
quote:Original post by MadKeithV
It''s even more fun and educational to accept that a hammer is a pretty low-level thing, that it''s been perfected quite enough, and you might as well skip the "constructing a hammer" part (the ones you get in stores are perfectly alright, and better than the ones you can build yourself), and get straight to building entire sheds instead.

Its even more fun (and even relaxing) to get other people to build for you.

Domine non secundum peccata nostra facias nobis
Domine non secundum peccata nostra facias nobis

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