convert int into const char *

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11 comments, last by terry_burns85 16 years, 3 months ago
Quote:Original post by Jazonxyz

The OP specified C++. Idiomatic C++ uses std::string for text.
Quote:Original post by superdeveloper
A little odd, but why has no-one yet mentioned itoa()?

personally I use _itot(...).
Quote:Original post by Jazonxyz
Its pretty simple.

First make a char.

char StringX[5];
next call sprintf();


This gets String X and fills it up with IntX. Dont mind the "%d" its just a parameter.

int other words, this is what you need.

int iMouseX = GetMouseX() //I guess you already got that far...

char szMouseX[5];



Hope this helps more then it hurts
@The OP: Since you're programming in C++, I would suggest following SiCrane's suggestion instead.

Suggested reading.
Quote:Original post by SiCrane
You can either use boost::lexical_cast or a std::stringstream.
std::stringstream sstr;sstr << my_int;std::string str1 = sstr.str();std::string str2 = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(my_int);

Once in a string, you can use the c_str() member function to get a const char *.

i use stringstream quite frequently in most Apps, its quite nice, and really easy to use, id also recommend this
---Terence Burns---

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