Suggested C# Books

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5 comments, last by XXChester 12 years, 8 months ago
I'm new to game development and after looking at my options, I decided to focus on C# and XNA. I first want to learn C# before I start getting into game development with XNA. Are there any good C# books that you would recommend looking at? I know there are a ton out there so thought I'd get some suggestions on where to start. It's been awhile since I've done programming so need to get the rust off the wheels.
[font="Arial"]I havent finished it, but sams xna 3.0 unleashed was pretty cool. But if I could give you a suggestion, look up [/font][font=Arial][size=2]NickGravelyn's XNA Tile Engine [/font][font="Arial"]video series. I've never been a fan of video tutorials, but his videos are aweome. 7gb of videos i've fallen in love with.[/font]
Thanks, I'll check out those videos.

Any suggestions for C# books or materials?
Wrox's Beginning Visual C# 2010 is great book that is really easy to follow and includes everything from C# language basics to windows and web programming and data access(file system, XML and also LINQ).
This is, in my opinion, one of the best books for starting this topic.

Sequel to this book could very well be some XNA book or Apess's Pro C# 2010 and the .NET Platform. Would not suggest the last one as a first pick since it is pretty hard to follow if you dont know the basics(and also 1700 pages so takes a while to get throught)

Any book that has good rating on is usually a good one, just make sure you get something that covers C# 4.0.
[size=2]Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC, jQuery and everything else web.. now also trying my hand on games.
My list of C# specific recommendations are here.

There are a few free links and such, but in dead tree format, I basically recommend Anders Helsberg's book ( the language creator ), as well as Head First into C# if, and this is a big if, you can stomach the style it uses. Check a sample chapter first, trust me! Finally the O'reilly nutshell reference is perhaps as concise a treatise as you can get.

It's a little premature, but when you do get the language down to a certain degree, I really recommend you check out the Gang of Four design patterns website, it will most likely alter the way you program, most often in a good way. ( Sometimes it causes people to over engineer the crap out of everything they do! )
Thanks for the recommendations. I'm not new to programming, I studied it in school and worked in the industry for 2 years. It's just been over 6 years since I've programmed and have no experience in game development nor C#. Rather then jump right in and form some bad habits and not fully understand how things work, I want to start from scratch and learn from the ground up again. The nice part about it is I should be able to breeze through the books. I'll definitely take a look at the Helsberg book and go from there.

Any other recommendations please keep them coming. I definitely have a start though. Appreciate the help once again.
The Wrox books are excellent C# books. I have old ones (Beginning Visual C# and Profession C# 2005) but I am sure they have new ones and they would be just as good.

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