(Poll)What OS do you use?

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13 comments, last by ApochPiQ 12 years, 5 months ago
As it says :)
All of the above (where "other" is a small collection of different operating systems including but not limited to MS DOS, Android, iOS, etc.), in a variety of different situations?

What are you really trying to learn from the question... perhaps what you're really interested is what operating systems people prefer, and why?

If you're really interested in preference of OS, I'm a big fan of Windows -- it does most things I need it to without needing to fiddle around with config files or writing additional scripts, it's easy to use, and Microsoft provide excellent tools and documentation for targeting Windows PCs. I quite like using Android, but I haven't done a great deal of developing yet. I hate working with MS DOS, and really wish that particular client would agree to an update, as the old computer and patched-together software is starting to be problematic to maintain.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Windows has D3D11. Therfore, I use Windows. :)

Windows has D3D11. Therfore, I use Windows. :)

Thats just it - Windows as a rule doesn't have D3D11 - Windows 7 does.

Windows has D3D11. Therfore, I use Windows. :)

Linux has OpenGL 4.2. Therefore, I use Linux. :)

[quote name='MJP' timestamp='1324430110' post='4895971']
Windows has D3D11. Therfore, I use Windows. :)

Thats just it - Windows as a rule doesn't have D3D11 - Windows 7 does.

But Windows 7 is Windows, and therefore Windows has D3D11. No need to be uber technical.

I use OS X 10.6, Windows 7, and Ubuntu 11
[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]

[quote name='MJP' timestamp='1324430110' post='4895971']
Windows has D3D11. Therfore, I use Windows. :)

Linux has OpenGL 4.2. Therefore, I use Linux. :)

Linux doesn't have OpenGL 4.2. Your graphics hardware and driver does.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

Linux doesn't have OpenGL 4.2. Your graphics hardware and driver does.

Lighten up, that wasn't meant to be taken seriously. <_<

Anyway, the real reason I use Linux is because

  1. It's free. Not only in price, but free of all the bull**** which usually accompanies closed/proprietary software.
  2. It's well suited for power users.
  3. Did I mention it was free?

I prefer OpenGL for the same reasons.

[quote name='MJP' timestamp='1324430110' post='4895971']
Windows has D3D11. Therfore, I use Windows. :)

Thats just it - Windows as a rule doesn't have D3D11 - Windows 7 does.

You're right, I should have specified that I no longer use Windows 3.11.
The reason I use Windows is because I have a real job and only a small beard.

It works. Not only in day-to-day usage, but without of all the bull**** which usually accompanies open-source/free-software/design-by-committee software.
It's well suited for power users.
Did I mention it works?

I prefer D3D for the same reasons.

[size="1"]Holy war thread is holey.

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