Which language?

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14 comments, last by serratemplar 12 years ago

I am however interested in learning C# at this point and would like to get into that. I feel bad for abandoning Ruby but my main goal was games and if it's not good for games I don't want to pursue it much.

Ruby is great for web development, but there aren't as many libraries in Ruby to help you make games as there are in C#. Don't feel bad about abandoning Ruby (for now). You can always go back and learn it later :) Just focus on C# for now. You'll branch out into other languages in the future.
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If C# will help me later in my Computer Science endeavors, then I would like to stick with it. ruby was definitely a fun language with a cool following but it doesn't seem very good.

Also, another quick question about Perl, why is it known for hacking?

If C# will help me later in my Computer Science endeavors, then I would like to stick with it. ruby was definitely a fun language with a cool following but it doesn't seem very good.

Also, another quick question about Perl, why is it known for hacking?

Perl is the duct tape of programming languages and I know this is going to sound more flame-ish than I intended, but it is also the goto weapon of choice among the semi-educated. This is where the "hacker" mentality comes from, you can fire up a perl script to hack together just about anything. What you end up with is a language many non-programmer *nix admins abused to the crap out of to "hack" together solutions.

I am not meaning to dump on perl, just the way it ended up being used.

It is not a general purpose programming language though, it isn't really geared towards game programming, nor do I know of any actual perl game libraries, except perhaps GL bindings you might find somewhere.

To answer your original question, read this.

In addition to everything said in that link, if you liked the idea of Ruby ( which isn't really a game oriented language ), you may consider checking out LUA or Python.
I have about a years worth of experience in Python. I can't pick it out, but something about it made me not want to use it anymore. C# seems simple enough to learn since I'm used to thinking like a programmer.
Ruby is a suberb language; however, if you must do something more gamesy then javascript/coffeescript/webgl are where it's at. C# is a bit Java these days.
Weird. I remember a day on these forums when "Which language" posts were almost uniformly shut down for fear they'd become flamey. <3

You should select a language based on what platform you want to develop on; you can use this to narrow your choices down to a subset and then make a choice based on preference. For instance, if you want to PC-specific development, you have quite a set to choose from; if you want to someday port to XBox 360, you should consider C#; if you want to make an in-browser game, you'll end up learning a suite of stuff (Javascript, Java, Ruby, Groovy, etc.); maybe you want to be as cross platform as possible (PC, Mac, Linux) and so Java and libraries like SDL become a bit more appealing. Finally, you might consider tools like Unity which remove the bulk of the boilerplate work for you and get you to making games (at the "cost" of losing fine-tooth control on what's under the hood...which honestly you may not need, especially when starting out).

What I'm going to say next is rooted firmly in my personal experience; take it for what it's worth.

If you want to learn to program, Python's a fine place to start. Java is a nice next step as it introduces ideas like typing (and type safety) and there are lots of great resources for it (and Python too, really) on the web to learn from. It's my personal bias that everybody should wrangle with a seg fault at least a dozen times in their programming lives, so I could definitely get behind learning C/C++.

What technology you choose to use is up to you. There are many that can get you there. It's more important that you get there. smile.png If you take programming to career level, you'll find that you're learning new languages, libraries, and development platforms each month. The skill you want isn't just a language...it's the skill to pick up a language at need and use it effectively. So don't feel you need to make the call now and forever; you definitely don't.

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