RigidBody Rotation

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11 comments, last by Medo Mex 11 years, 6 months ago
A little digging in the bullet docs revealed:
btMatrix3x3::setEulerYPR ( const btScalar & yaw,
const btScalar & pitch,
const btScalar & roll

So I'm assuming you could use that to create a btMatrix3x3, and then apply that to a btTransform's origin that can be applied to the btRigidBody.

If someone could update the two commented lines with the appropriate code, it will be exactly what I want.

No one is here to just write your code for you. You're explicitly asking people to do that. Try and have a little courtesy, it's a forum for information sharing, not task orders.

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You got pretty much exactly what you wanted in the first post.
Here its modified with setting yaw, pitch and roll:

btMatrix3x3 orn = m_pRigidBody->getWorldTransform().getBasis(); //get basis of world transformation
btMatrix ypr;
orn *= ypr //Multiply it by rotation matrix, yaw, pitch, roll
m_pRigidBody->getWorldTransform().setBasis(orn); //set new rotation for the object


No one is here to just write your code for you

Oops :)
@Olof Hedman: That was exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

No one is here to just write your code for you.[/quote]
Trust me, writing 5 lines of code is easier to understand and will save a lot of time ;)

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