Is business dev/programming boring?

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11 comments, last by _SX_ 11 years, 1 month ago

I have zero experience in this field. Never coded for money. So what I say comes out of observation rather than experience.

One thing is enjoying doing something, and other thing is enjoying making money out of that something.

I compare it with people who play games who think developing them is going to be awesome. One thing is playing them, one completely different thing is developing them.

So you might like to code a lot, but you will enjoy it as a tool to pay your rent? That's the question. I've seen people who strive to separate those two aspects of their life, work is work, your life isn't that. And I've seen people who strive to get the two as close as possible, their life is their work.

Both approaches can end bad. There are people who absolutely hate their jobs and the only thing they get out of it is money for paying the more enjoyable aspects of their lives, or people for which their job creeps in all the aspects of their life, without work they're nothing. Balance is king.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator


The most fun project I've been attached to was actually a system related to nuclear materials, and it was a blast.

That sounded like you and your friends had some fun playing with nukes. How can THAT not be fun?

I'm working for a company as a programmer for 5 years now. My job has nothing in common with game programming. There are times when it's OK, times when I get some really interresting problems to solve but mostly it's boring.

Although I share the opinion with the other commenters that if you are enjoying your hobby that doesn't mean you will enjoy that same thing as a job. A lot depends on your manager and workplace.

You should try it :)

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