Fur Shading in DirectX 9

Published February 19, 2020 by RWThurman
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Everyone loves scorpions. Those petite beady eyes, those adorable claws that simply draw you in for the tail to sting you like an arrow from Cupid. So why even write this demo? It turns out you can make scorpions even more wub-bly using a simple fur shader. There are several excellent fur shader demos out there for DirectX. I will even encourage you to go out there and try them out first. This demo is different because I wanted to play around with the demo and show you some cool things you can
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Sorry, the text of the article got chopped off. I'm trying to fix it.

February 20, 2020 04:25 PM
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Everyone loves scorpions. Those petite beady eyes, those adorable claws that simply draw you in for the tail to sting you like an arrow from Cupid. So why even write this demo? It turns out you can make scorpions even more wub-bly using a simple fur shader. There are several excellent fur shader demos out there for DirectX. I will even encourage you to go out there and try them out first. This demo is different because I wanted to play around with the demo and show you some cool things you can


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