48 Hours Later - Moving Forward

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published January 11, 2011
I have a lot to talk about, so forgive any apparent terseness that may result. I am merely trying to be concise. Although at times I am indeed being blunt ;)

EDIT: I would encourage anyone who finds there way to this page to take the time to read the entire thing - I know it's long but full of very useful information that will save both you and us time - you in understanding the site and us in having less Feedback submissions to deal with. Thank you!

We have been planning to launch a new website for around 5 years. This site you see before you has been under construction for less than one year, largely in part by Mike Tanczos. We could have kept developing this website, probably for another several months at least, however when you recognize yourself repeating the same process that's been going on for five years, you realize it's time to get out of the rut. We did that by releasing the website. No fanfare, no big lead-up - just "here it is."

What "it is" has been perceived by many to be a complete and total disaster, which is understandable because it appears to everyone that we have made decisions that have negatively impacted their experience of the website. However the truth is quite the opposite: we simply chose to not decide how to do certain things and see how people would react. A vast majority of what you are experiencing with this new website is simply the default appearance and functionality of the Invison Powerboard System, which we have already started to tweak now based on the feedback we have been receiving.

This brings us to IPS. We've been resting on custom-made software for the last 11 years, and while it has given us a few advantages, like being able to add our own cool and nifty forum features, it ended up dragging us down in ways far more numerable. We have chosen now to sacrifice the ability to fully customize our website software for the chance to move away from spending so much effort maintaining infrastructure and instead providing more services to our members and the industry at large.

Some people have already voiced complaints about us moving away from being "forum-centric" and in a way this is very true. In the old site, everything was built directly off the forums, so being "forum-centric" was actually a very literal description of how the site was structured. With IPS, we have a much broader content system and we are going to be using it to bring other forms of content (projects, journals, images, articles, etc) up to par with topics (forum content). That said, in no way have the forums themselves been "devalued" or pushed aside for other things. The community is all still here, and you now have better tools to communicate, help each other and share ideas.

The important thing to remember is that we didn't launch this site saying "hey everyone, this is how it's going to be". You are all helping us make it into what you want it to be. That said, we obviously won't be able to make it into exactly what you want it to be. But we will do our best.

After we get through the rough early stages of fixing up the site and things quiet down a bit, I will post more about what we have planned for the coming months as we start to roll out new features and complete the revamping of existing ones. A better understanding of our road map will hopefully further increase everyone's understanding of why we are making certain changes that may have some people running around right now screaming "oh my god what are you doing?!?!"

EDIT: Wow can't believe I forgot this. Please follow us on twitter or Facebook if you are there - this is especially helpful in these early unstable days as we are using these channels to keep people informed during downtime as best as we are able as well as announce any scheduled downtime.

EDIT: I've started using the forum status update to post when I make small changes/fixes/improvements to the site - stuff that isn't worth a blog post but is good for everyone to know. Here's links to mine and other staff who are working on site changes/improvements

Dave Astle (myopic rhino)
Kevin Hawkins (khawk)
Mike Tanczos

[size="5"]Feedback Ticket Monitoring/Known Issues

It's important that everyone know where to go to in order to track the feedback you send in to us. The best place to do so is at the Problem Tracker page itself, where you can see all the issues you personally have submitted and if you've gotten any replies (you can also "Watch" submissions if you want additional notification options).

Also, if you want to check to see if a feature or bug has been reported before doing so yourself, you can browse through the various issues already submitted for bugs and site suggestions.

[size="5"]GDNet+ Reboot

We've known for some time now that the GDNet+ "member benefits" weren't all that great anymore, and it was mainly a good way to show support for the website (it still is, for that part!). If you go back to the old subscribe page and have a look, you'll see things like using the member map features, have extra webspace for hosting and FTP access, as well as discounts which I honestly don't know are any good anymore. The member map never took off because we didn't have the resources to put into it (that whole infrastructure problem) and after the site got hacked in 2007 FTP access to webspace was lost completely for members.

For the site launch we've reset the GDNet+ membership back to basics and will be adding new incentives and features to the program from this point forward as we complete areas of the website and roll out new features. We'll also be working more closely with other websites as well as publishers and middleware developers to provide discounts and other benefits. If you don't feel it is worth your money now, rest assured we are working to make it so in the future.

[size="5"]Free Development Journals

This probably came as a shock to many in the community, although from our standpoint we couldn't imagine to continue charging people for something you can easily set up for free at any number of places nowadays. You could argue that with charging people for journal space we were encouraging quality content over just a mass of pointless updates with some good ones here and there - and with the old site you would be right because we had nothing in the way of tools to manage quality control. With IPS however we have the ability to make sure good journal content finds its way to the top of the heap, and now everyone has a chance to get there.

Furthermore, I've seen our article submission rate drop in recent years and I have no doubt it's directly proportional to the amount of people starting their own blogs. As great as it is to be published here on GameDev.net in front of thousands of readers, there's something to be said for carving out your own personal niche in the vast internets with which to voice your ideas, opinions and knowledge free of censorship. The journal system now allows us to seamlessly publish entries straight into our articles system - so a lot of those "journal articles" I had to highlight in the past can now be appropriately placed within our content system for more people to find and read. (EDIT: It's also worth noting you can publish a forum topic into a blog).

Right now the main journals page doesn't seem the best place to both feature entries and list entries - this is something that will change as we begin to coalesce more content into the various "hubs" we have for each main site content section (Features, Community, Resources). Eventually you will be able to see the highest-rated journal posts from the main Community page where we will also have special journal features, while the main journals page continues to serve simply as a portal into the entire journal system.

Until the Community page is set up better, we will be moderating the main journals page and hiding less-informative blog posts. But you can still see all blogs posted on this page.

[size="5"]New Rating System

The rating system built into IPS is very simple the way we have it set up. No, you can't rate posts/people down, and no you cannot undo a positive rating - so think before you click. No one will have a negative rating, but you will still be able to approve content above the rest to make good stuff more visible. Although you are rating posts on the forums, that positive rating does have an affect on the rating of the user who made that post - however you are still essentially rating that person's content, not the actual person directly.

5-star ratings can be found all across site content from articles to journals to images to books and topics and more. The ratings are entirely for the content itself and has no affect on the user, but lets you sort content (where/when available) to see what people are finding the most useful/popular. Sometimes these 5-star ratings can be a bit small and hard to find/click - if so please send us feedback on it so we can address this.

We are working to get user rating numbers displayed in posts. All ratings from the old site were brought down by 1000 because the IPS software would not allow us to create accounts with ratings over 1000. If you had a less than 1000 rating you will have not gone below 0. If you think your rating is incorrectly converted, send us a report.

The important thing to remember about the rating system now is that you are not giving ratings to boost people, you are giving ratings to boost content. You can still perceive it as rating people if you wish, but that is not the end goal of the ratings system. No one will want to search for highly-rated people, they will want to search for highly-rated content, and now this is possible in IPS.

[size="5"]Forum Awards

A quick note of forum awards. We are currently only giving out two types of awards to regular and GDNet+ members. The first is the medal and heart if you have sent in a donation. The second is an Expert Community Member award that will be handed out by the moderators to members they feel are both helpful and knowledgeable in the community. These people can be looked to for accurate and useful information in forum postings.

We have more awards that will come into play as the site rolls out.

Please note that awards can be revoked from a member at any time.

[size="5"]Forum Themes

One of the louder complaints so far has been the current site theme, which brings me back to the similar reaction we had when we launched the new white theme back in 2005 :) Rest assured, themes will be returning as that is a well-used IPS feature that we are going to be leveraging. You can find out more about the black theme currently under development in this forum thread.

[size="5"]Image of the Day

This was another thing that caught us completely off guard. We had no idea the Image of the Day was as popular as it appears to be, or we would have tried harder to get it ready to launch with the website. As it is, we need to wrap up functionality on it before we can return it to its home on the main page, but rest assured that is high on our list of site areas to complete and will be returning - we never had any intention of removing it permanently and apologize for scaring so many people!

EDIT: I've created a box for the main page (starting to grok this IPS back-end) that is just a static representation the Image of the Day box so there is something there for people to see and a note stating that the IotD will be updating again soon.

[size="5"]Site Display on Resolutions < 1280 Width

This is an issue you are all welcome to lambaste us for, because it was a known defect well before launch and never got fully patched up before the site went live this past weekend. No excuses.

Some people are not capable of realizing this when viewing the site because they can't get up to 1280 width, so we've been getting reports of menu text appearing in a white background, an inch of vertical whitespace after the logo, and the Feedback button covering up a bit of content on the left side. These (and a few more) are all issues with smaller-resolution screens.

This is the next major fix to deploy now that we are wrapping up ad placement. Screen sizes smaller than 1280 will be detected and certain site elements will adjust to ensure that everything fits properly. Once down to a certain horizontal size the page will simply be scrollable to the left and right.

In the meantime benryves has this workaround.

[size="5"]Increased Ad Placement

Speaking of ads, I need to touch on this topic as well. While this version of the website will eventually grow to become largely service-based for revenue, we currently have no recourse but to stick to our ad-based revenue streams until services start to come online. This means that, yes, you will be dealing with ads placed in areas you are not used to seeing them on this website. If you come across any ads that (for example) play sounds without your permission or cover up part of your screen without the ability to downsize, these are still completely unacceptable to us - report them and they will be removed ASAP.

We are not looking to line our pockets with extra cash, but we are asking everyone to bear with us as we simply do what needs to be done to pay our server fees and keep this website online. Hopefully in time we can scale the ads back once again when we are in a more comfortable financial state.

It should be noted that GDNet+ users will not be seeing ads like the one appearing after the first forum post. If any GDNet+ member regularly sees ads they feel they shouldn't be seeing (anything except leaderboard, box or forum-topper) then report it - in placing these ads they can appear to everyone initially for a short time period.

[size="5"]GameDev.net on the Go

One of the cooler things about IPS is that we already have a mobile version of the website all set up and ready to go - although we could definitely put some time into tweaking it as much as the regular site needs to be tweaked in order to make it actually fully functional if you wanted to check GDNet from your mobile device on the go. But it's definitely a start. Give it a try next time you have your phone out.

If you own an iPhone, you can take the mobile aspect a step further by downloading the free IP.Board app from the AppStore. This is a generic app for accessing any IPS community. An android app is coming along sometime as well.

Of course we've also looked into and discovered a few options now available to us for creating our very own GDNet mobile application as well :)

[size="5"]Site Usage Notes

There's a lot of things to get used to in the new IPS forum that is different from how our old forums operated. It does not help that we never really followed convention because we could code our boards to function however we wanted them to. So people who used our old forums regularly and not many other types will no doubt have the most trouble finding their way around. Here are some issues I noticed people having trouble with.

Recent Threads/Active Topics

There was a good deal of consternation revolving around the fact that the Recent Threads box is no longer prominently displayed on the main page. While this box will remain on the front page, it will merely serve as a small portal for people browsing the main page and no longer is the main jumping point into the forums.

The page analogous to Active Topics and that is available from the top of every page in the site is the View Latest Content link that appears next to the RSS feed icon (we understand how initially people associated that text directly with the icon). This link is actually context-sensitive to the content area of the site that you are viewing, but regardless of where it lands you the tabs there let you jump around content areas from within the page.

You can also view all content that you have created via the drop-down profile menu.

EDIT: Slight change here in that while the View Latest Content does give you a rundown of all the new stuff that has been posted since you've last visited, if you're sticking around and want to see what is being discussed most, there is an Active Content page (the link is below the main forum index)

Quoting and MultiQuote

Some people have been confused by how to quote other posts. You do this by using the "Reply" button under that person's post.

To multiquote, you select "MultiQuote" on all posts you wish to reply to (this works even if you have to page) but then you must select the "Add Reply" button at the top or bottom of the topic.

Friend Approvals

Many people are not liking the fact that you can be friended by anyone without needing permission from you. Besides people maybe finding this rude in some way, I think the major issue is that people are seeing these friend connections like Facebook or LinkedIn. The difference however is that there is no sharing of private information among friends of any kind (if I'm wrong I haven't been able to find evidence otherwise). Being a friend with someone here only means that it is now easier to communicate with certain people - you can find them in your profile rather than having to search for them in the member listing for example. Other people can also see who you are buddies with on the forums.

Then again you may simply wish to not be associated with someone (or anyone). Unfortunately in digging through the admin panel I couldn't uncover any setting that dealt with friend approvals. EDIT: I was looking in the wrong place! In your settings page under the Profiles tab the second option allows you to change it so people must get your permission before being added as a friend (thanks, Saruman!). I looked through the admin panel again this time for a way to change this default to enable friend approvals for all accounts but could not find one.

So if you would like to remove a friend, click on the itsy-bitsy (again, no us) View Profile button next to their image in your profile and you will see an icon to remove them as a friend. You can also add them to your Ignored Users list if you don't want them becoming your friend again.

We do have plans to integrate friendships into the site services (teams, event attendance, etc) so I would encourage people to buddy up.

Disabling Emoticons

It's been pointed out to us through the Feedback tab that certain equations and programming text not encapsulated in tags can trigger an automatic smiley to be generated instead. I've tried looking for a forum-wide setting to disable automatic emoticons, but there doesn't appear to be one. However you can disable emoticons on a per-post basis by clicking to expand the "Options" area at the bottom of a post. Note that this is only available in the Full Editor, not Fast Reply. We're not saying that's our final solution, but for now it will have to suffice.

EDIT: It's been pointed out to me that, if you make a post without disabling emoticons and see that one or more has accidentally popped up, while editing the post and turning them off if you select the Preview option the check box disabling emoticons will revert to checked. We've logged this as a bug. (Thanks SiCrane!)

Marking Board Read

I suggest that everyone scroll down to the very bottom of any page in the forums and click the "Mark Board As Read" if you have not done so already. The reason for this is that from the moment you logged in for the first time, the forum has marked every topic an unread for you - which means you'll never see the forum icons change to show you if any new posts have been made in a forum, because the board will see that you still have thousands of new (unread) posts in each forum.

EDIT: In addition to making this change, we currently do not have topic read tracking enabled to reduce load on the server until we get it better stabilized. This means that after you are done reading whatever threads interest you in a particular forum, you must click on the "(Mark this forum as read)" link at the far right of the forum's title bar. This way when you next return, you will see newly posted threads/topics since your last visit and the "Go to first unread post" button will work properly. Once we have the server steady we will turn on post read tracking and see how that affects our load.

(NEW) Forum Favorites

If you are unable to run benryves' GreaseMonkey script to re-enable the feature of selecting which forums to group at the top of the main forum index for easy access, then the way to do this in IPS is to go to the forum(s) you like and at the top next to the "Start New Topic" button select the "Watch Forum" button. After you set your notification type, return to the main forum index and one of the small boxes on the right will read "Watched Content" - in that box you can see if any of your watched forums have new posts in them. You can also check any watched threads as well.

[size="5"]Site Improvements

Here is a listing regarding some of the bigger stuff we have changed so far.

Wasted Post Space

We've begun working to reduce wasted space in the forum posts themselves by modifying the style sheets. So far you may notice the left margin of posts has been reduced slightly and the post content widened to match. Awards icons have also been made smaller. Some further tweaking is needed - for example location listings can wrap awkwardly. We don't fully know yet how much flexibility we have in shuffling around the displayed details and shrinking that left column more vertically.

Smaller Font Size

The size of text site-wide has been reduced and has allowed elements to float up a bit higher.

Recent Articles -> Recent Resources

There's been some understandable confusion over the Recent Articles box on the main page. Not all articles added to the Resources section will be featured on the main page. This box will list all latest additions - it will become more apparent once this starts happening, but to help alleviate confusion the box is now labeled Recent Resources

Full Name No Longer Required

This was actually a private field not visible to regular members in your profile, but we couldn't find a way to make that apparent so it is no longer required. Note that we removed it from the public view (forum posts) earlier on before deciding to let it go entirely.

Article Paging Works

You can now page through articles. Don't forget any trouble you have with articles on this site you can still do over at archive.gamedev.net - be sure to tell us what's wrong though (we know the code styling and print versions are broken)

No More Auto-Caps of Each Letter in a Topic

The anti-SHOUTING feature of the boards was turned on - apparently it takes effect whether someone is actually shouting or not. This will help alleviate problems like changing "AI" into "Ai" or causing capitalization after apostrophes

Cleaned-up Feedback Window "Thank You"

Now people know where to go to see their submitted issues and there is no more random scroll bar

Lots of Broken Links Fixed

If you see a broken link definitely let us know about it so we can patch that up!

[size="5"]The Process Continues...[size="2"]

I will continue to blog when we have significant site updates to report, as well as to reveal more about how the site is going to be developed over the coming months as we are ready to talk more about it. For right now we are focused on the bug submissions, then once those trickle down we will go through and evaluate all the site suggestions that weren't yet implemented.

In the meantime it would help immensely to keep all responses on the new site encapsulated in as few places as possible so we don't lose track of anything. These places would be 1) here in my journal as comments 2) in this thread or 3) in the tracking system if it's something you would like to see action taken on. (you can add an issue directly there without needing to go through the Feedback tab).

Thank you all for your continued support of GameDev.net
7 likes 30 comments


Josh Klint
I like the functionality of the new site. The layout is a little "busy" and some elements are too large, but I think you will get it under control with time.
January 11, 2011 10:00 PM
It's very amusing to us how we used to get a lot of feedback regarding the previous site being too compact and clustered - I guess that was the [i]other[/i] facet of our audience ;) Hopefully now we have a chance to please both sides somewhat...
January 11, 2011 10:30 PM
I noticed earlier that you can choose to require friend approvals if you want, it is an option in your user profile. I just wanted to point that out as I don't believe you mentioned that in your post.
January 11, 2011 10:33 PM
I've edited the post - thanks!
January 11, 2011 10:39 PM
Friend approval settings are located at My Settings -> Profile tab -> Change Profile Information. In the Friends section, there's a drop down for Friend Approval to either disable friend approval (default) or enable it.

Although, I had it enabled for a while, and two people I approved have not shown up on my list so there may be a defect there.
January 11, 2011 11:34 PM
Lord Crc
I've tried to determine why I get the "busy" feeling (primarily on the front page). I think for me it's the lack of separation between content. The various boxes have only a thin line around it, so it all kinda melts together. The front page [i]is[/i] busy though, too many boxes all over.

If you switched the background to a light grey and used slightly colored/shaded backgrounds for the various boxes and reduced the size of the titlebars I think it would help to at least separate the content.
January 11, 2011 11:35 PM
It is always good to get this kind of honest feedback, thanks for taking the time.
January 11, 2011 11:44 PM
[quote name='Kevin Hawkins' timestamp='1294788853']
Friend approval settings are located at My Settings -> Profile tab -> Change Profile Information. In the Friends section, there's a drop down for Friend Approval to either disable friend approval (default) or enable it.

Although, I had it enabled for a while, and two people I approved have not shown up on my list so there may be a defect there.

When you have approval turned on, accepting a friend request only lets them add YOU as a friend to THEIR list. You have to go and select to add them as a friend if you want them to show up in your own list. Pretty dumb.
January 12, 2011 01:43 AM
[quote name='Mike.Popoloski' timestamp='1294796624']
When you have approval turned on, accepting a friend request only lets them add YOU as a friend to THEIR list. You have to go and select to add them as a friend if you want them to show up in your own list. Pretty dumb.
Agreed. That's dumb.
January 12, 2011 02:47 AM
As noted here: http://www.gamedev.net/tracker/issue-583-cannot-undo-an-upvote/ the inability to at least undo your upvote on a post is completely broken and unacceptable.
January 12, 2011 02:51 AM
Great changes! I'm looking forward to future improvements.
January 12, 2011 04:00 AM
[quote name='Josh Petrie' timestamp='1294800701']
As noted here: [url="http://www.gamedev.net/tracker/issue-583-cannot-undo-an-upvote/"]http://www.gamedev.n...undo-an-upvote/[/url] the inability to at least undo your upvote on a post is completely broken and unacceptable.
We're going to continue to look into options for undoing an upvote, as well as monitor the usage of voting as time goes on
January 12, 2011 06:10 AM
Wow...disappointing to read that some users are against the new site / layout.

I for one, have only just returned to gamedev.net *BECAUSE* of it.

I think it's a nice, fresh start and can't wait to see what comes next. Great job for the work involved, it sounded gruelling.
January 12, 2011 08:20 AM
I personally think the reason some users hate the new site and say it's too busy is because they are not use to it. Once they know where all the buttons and boxes are the site suddenly seems very simple.

It took some getting use to but I like it now though all the down time and the sudden shock of a completely different site that I didn't know how to use was annoying. I like it better when sites are updated one new feature at a time so that it's not such a shock.
January 12, 2011 09:28 AM
Despite having some gripes about how things appeared, and even more so feeling alarmed by the methodology of the update, it's nice to be able to communicate about it with you guys, and even more so encouraging to see that you guys have already addressed a lot of the things I've noticed and/or given feedback about.<div><br></div><div>And even though I don't like change, I find myself using the site more often these days.</div>
January 12, 2011 11:43 AM
<div>[quote name='AndrewBC' timestamp='1294832611']
Despite having some gripes about how things appeared, and even more so feeling alarmed by the methodology of the update, it's nice to be able to communicate about it with you guys, and even more so encouraging to see that you guys have already addressed a lot of the things I've noticed and/or given feedback about.&lt;div&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;And even though I don't like change, I find myself using the site more often these days.&lt;/div&gt;
[/quote] I broke it! I never left WYSIWYG mode, not sure what happened</div>
January 12, 2011 11:44 AM
Not sure what to think of the new design just yet, but congrats with the successful migration to the new system, must have been a hell of a job.
January 12, 2011 11:51 AM
Lord Crc
[quote name='SteveDeFacto' timestamp='1294824517']
I personally think the reason some users hate the new site and say it's too busy is because they are not use to it. Once they know where all the buttons and boxes are the site suddenly seems very simple.[/quote]

For me it's mainly the main page that seems "busy". Most subpages (like this one) look very nice.

And I'll have to second Wan, congratulations on a good migration!
January 12, 2011 12:26 PM
The ads smacked inside the forum thread view need to go. It's not quite as bad as allowing "posting ad bots" on the forum, but it's still untenable that advertising content gets mixed inside (more or less) contiguous user-generated content.<br>
January 12, 2011 01:14 PM
[quote name='Shadowdancer' timestamp='1294838078']
The ads smacked inside the forum thread view need to go. It's not quite as bad as allowing "posting ad bots" on the forum, but it's still untenable that advertising content gets mixed inside (more or less) contiguous user-generated content.

In defense of the original decision an ad is supposed to be visible. No one is going to pay us to hide their advertisements on our website. I understand how certain ads can be "jarring" in unexpected places, but once you begin to recognize them as ads rather than content they will blend in better. I think the fact that people are still trying to understand how to visually parse the new look and design of the forums has exacerbated this issue - you all have yet to get used to picking the content itself out of the new design and now have to deal with ads mixed up in there too. I understand, and we probably could have waited a bit longer to introduce an ad in that location.

[quote name='AndrewBC' timestamp='1294832663']
I broke it! I never left WYSIWYG mode, not sure what happened
That's a known issue we have logged in the tracking system
January 12, 2011 05:42 PM
Servant of the Lord
I love the new site - there are plenty of minor quirks that rub me the wrong way, but I'll get used to them as I use the site more. The new site adds alot more than it removes, IMO, just kinda caught me by surprise. I fully intend to make use of the new features ([s]blog[/s] Development Journals, Galleries, and looking forward to the release of 'Projects')[quote][color=#1C2837][size=2][b]Quoting and MultiQuote[/b][/size][/color][color=#1C2837][size=2]
[/size][/color][color=#1C2837][size=2][i][u][b]Some people[/b][/u][/i] have been confused by how to quote other posts. You do this by using the "Reply" button under that person's post.[/size][/color][color=#1C2837][size=2]
[/size][/color][color=#1C2837][size=2]To multiquote, you select "MultiQuote" on all posts you wish to reply to (this works even if you have to page) but then you must select the "Add Reply" button at the top or bottom of the topic.[/size][/color][/quote]
Those 'some people' would be me. [img]http://public.gamedev.net/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.gif[/img] To be fair, it actually wasn't working as expected in IE9 beta, hence my confusion. Works fine in Chrome though!
January 12, 2011 07:04 PM
[quote name='Servant of the Lord' timestamp='1294859061']
I love the new site - there are plenty of minor quirks that rub me the wrong way, but I'll get used to them as I use the site more.
Don't feel bad about reporting them if they really bother you
January 12, 2011 07:16 PM
<div style="background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 4px; padding-right: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; padding-left: 4px; font-family: arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; ">[quote name='Gaiiden' timestamp='1294854148']I understand how certain ads can be "jarring" in unexpected places, but once you begin to recognize them as ads rather than content they will blend in better.[/quote]Thus far, I have only seen text ads in that slot between thread replies. When I run into an image/animated ad there, I will be voting with my browser and re-enabling adblock+ for GDNet.</div>
January 12, 2011 07:40 PM
ok, this wysiwyg editor is completely broken...
January 12, 2011 07:41 PM
Must get used to the new site, but it's good that you've stepped to professional software. Hopefully this will bring more stability and better features (I'm sure it will). I really like the new logo.

Personally I'd fight for some minor points:
- the same box on the right is sometimes displayed 3 times, I don't really like the boxes, would rather have a one column site, but I bet it's needed for navigation too...but slicing it down would make it less distracting
- more compactness, I really prefer. More compact reply boxes, more compact +kudo buttons. Just less flashy "look here" items, so it resembles with the serious attitude on this forum
- I don't see the point in blogs, or twitter like stati, but that's my opinion. Hasn't got much to do with the forum, except journals, they were / are great.

[quote name='rubyonrails' timestamp='1294820427']
Wow...disappointing to read that some users are against the new site / layout.

I for one, have only just returned to gamedev.net *BECAUSE* of it.

I think it's a nice, fresh start and can't wait to see what comes next. Great job for the work involved, it sounded gruelling.

Huh? How so? It was the community that kept me to GameDev, not the layout so much. How could you leave a forum for you don't like the size of the font, to name a thing?
January 12, 2011 07:48 PM
[quote name='swiftcoder' timestamp='1294861256']
When I run into an image/animated ad there, I will be voting with my browser and re-enabling adblock+ for GDNet
As far as I know, we have absolutely no plans or desire to do that. Ever. The text ad hurts us all enough on the inside but we need operating capital. I understand though from my "we'll do what we need to do" attitude that you would fear that happening.

[quote name='Decrius' timestamp='1294861811']
And I can't edit my replies, was going to add: there isn't really a big button on top to bring you to the forum index (site index neither, but I always want to get to the forum index).
Yea people ask for this and it makes no sense to me. If you want to get to the forum index so bad why is it not a bookmark for you? I would imagine many people just link straight into the main forum index and maybe stop by the front page once in a while. In fact our traffic reflects this behavior - the majority of direct traffic goes straight to the forums.

If you're unable to edit your replies, submit a bug with your browser type and version because you should be able to as long as you're logged in.
January 12, 2011 08:35 PM
[quote]If you want to get to the forum index so bad why is it not a bookmark for you? I would imagine many people just link straight into the main forum index and maybe stop by the front page once in a while. In fact our traffic reflects this behavior - the majority of direct traffic goes straight to the forums.[/quote]I'm one of those traffic statistics ;)

Bookmarks are old school... I just type "active" into the browser and it turns it into http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/activetopics.asp

Now I've got to type "active content", which turns into http://www.gamedev.net/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=active
January 12, 2011 11:50 PM
Very nice summary of what's going on. Big thanks for keeping the community abreast of all the shenanigans and goings on.
January 13, 2011 02:58 AM
I really like IP Board, even though it has some flaws, it's great. :)

I especially like the user points/reputation system which is going to reward those people who help others by giving timely answers.

Kudos to the Gamedev.Net team - all in all a very good move! :lol:
January 14, 2011 11:40 AM
Maybe I have missed a setting.. but it would be nice to be able to select a 24h clock display setting instead of AM/PM.
January 14, 2011 02:20 PM
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