
Published August 19, 2004
Ok so I calmed down a bit from this morning's rant. A bunch of scally kids were knocking around outside tonight though, I really wish they had something better to do with their lives other than cause trouble.

I've been working on my IPathNavigator interface for Manta-X. I think I'll have a few types of path navigator; at the moment I have two - one that reports an exact (well relative) co-ordinate and rotation at a given point along the path and another; the other is more suited to game updates in that it will report the difference in rotation and position since the last update. It'll be usable once I get the node transition flawless and able to handle time/frame overflows that occur from one node to another. It should be a fairly useful system in scripted and dynamic animation, pathfinding and motion once it's up and running.

Now I sleep.
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