Three Months Later...

Published September 10, 2006
It is amazing how time flies, no?

I'm back home now in Wisconsin (I have been for over two months).

I'm at my new job, and doing, as far as I know, pretty well.

No real time for game development at the moment. I don't know how long this state of affairs will continue.

I guess I am now a C# programmer, as that is what I am paid to do. I'm still pretty new to it, so it still feels like cheating somehow.

I did make a JetLag game in C# the other day. I didn't like how it turned out, because I used Panel controls for the blocks. The screen updates were kind of ugly, so I think I need to revisit it with just a PictureBox control instead.

However, the JetLag.NET game will allow the player to choose the grid size(rather than being stuck with the 40x30) as well as the tail length of the player.

I've lately been working on tool programs in C#, typically using COM interfaces (which C# makes incredibly easy). I have made a tool for Rational ClearCase, and I'm in the midst of a tool for the Yahoo! Widget Engine. There is no rush on the YWE tool... I mainly just wanted to play around with the YWE COM objects, which don't really do much other than open, close, and send messages to widgets, but it could serve to be an almost useful developer tool, so we'll see.

I looked around the internet for a "good" icon editor. I found several, but all of the good ones were non-free.

You'd think, after all of this time with the ICO format, that there would be one decent free stand alone icon editor.

Of course I could write one myself, but then the standard problem comes about: the amount of work to make a halfway decent icon editor requires a significant time investment, especially in the polish department. This time investment makes one not want to part with the work for free, but if I develop a decent product and want to sell it, there is a whole other can of worms that goes with it (the name of the can of worms is product support).

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Didn't you live near Seattle for a while?
September 11, 2006 03:27 AM
Rather then use a PictureBox for each block, create one big PictureBox and then create a Drawing.BufferedGraphics object(or something like that) from the box's CreateGraphics method. That'll give you a large GDI+ drawing area. Actually I think you can create a Drawing.BufferedGraphics object from any control, it doesn't have to be a PictureBox.
September 11, 2006 08:38 AM
My thought was not to use multiple pictureboxes, but rather simply to draw onto a single picturebox...

Or, actually, to use a back buffer image, and render the image onto the picture box to update the frame.

September 11, 2006 11:55 AM
Quote:Original post by TANSTAAFL
My thought was not to use multiple pictureboxes, but rather simply to draw onto a single picturebox...

"Panel controls for the blocks", sounded like you planned on multiple boxes.

Quote:Original post by TANSTAAFL
Or, actually, to use a back buffer image, and render the image onto the picture box to update the frame.

Yeah that's pretty much what the BufferedGraphics object does, it handles drawing and double buffering.
September 11, 2006 12:38 PM
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