Holy Crap!

posted in I am a duck
Published November 06, 2006
My engine shake up is taking way longer than I anticipated. I really am just moving things around in the object tree to add some interface-like base classes and I'm literally taking hours to do it. I had no idea how involved it would be to get this done. All I can say is that I hope it works fantastically when it's done or I'm going to swear off doing "the right thing" for a while. In the mean time I keep plugging ahead hoping to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon.

On the gaming side of things I am starting to look forward to Gears of War. It looks way more violent then I would normally want but that's ok. I think people should realize that there are different genres of games, just like movies, and some are not appropriate for kids. In the gaming case it's the FPS genre, similar to horror for movies. No self respecting parent would take a 7 year old to see Saw 3 so why would they let the same kid play Gears? Of course I say this as a guy with no kids working in the industry so I may be a bit biased. :)
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Stani R
The fun part is moving things around and then realizing it was all better the way it was before... thank god for automatic refactoring.
November 07, 2006 10:06 AM
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