Hello All

Published May 03, 2007
I would like greet all my new virtual neighbors. I am new to this GameDev site, but I have been programming for about 7 years now. I still consider myself a student of the arts, and love to hear constructive criticism. I am currently working on One major project called the MSG engine, and to test out Ideas and methods I am working on some smaller Projects as well. I programm in C++ mainly (I know a few other languages: VB, Basic, Java, ActionScript for flash, html/java/php/sql/AJAX). I have made some demos with irrlicht and OpenGL, but am learning directX now. The MSG engine is going to be an engine I will use for my retail game titles that I wish to sell. I am making a few, quality games, that I will be posting as free titles to spread my name and also to get feedback on my ideas.

In my travels I have come across a problem that has always been an issue with developing quality 3D games. That proplem is quality 3D content. It is tough finding quality models that are rigged and ready to animate, for a reasonable price. I have tried sites like turbosqid, and they are great but they do not answer the demands of a full lenght full featured quality game. I was wondering if any on you guys have had this problem, and been able to resolve. I can model in 3D studio max, but I am not as good as I need to be for my games. The only real solution I see is hirring a contractor to make the desired content, wich cost an arm and a leg. Just wondering if there is something that maby I may have overlooked as an option.

well either way I am glad that I stumbled upon this site. Hope to talk to you guys soon. I really would like to be apart of a team!
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Welcome to journal land :)

Sounds like you have a good idea for your progression to full retail games so why not apply the same logic to your art assets? Start with stand in graphics that aren't great but are enough to proove the underlying gameplay. After that you can either see if any artists are willing to lend a hand or contract out then when you know you'll have a finished product.
May 03, 2007 07:02 AM
I'm working on a 3D game right now, and I have to say that the content is indeed the stumbling point for me.

I shall have to work on a game in the future with more abstract graphics, so I can get away with less texturing and more procedural behaviours. Either that, or just go back to 2D. Everyone likes 2D games.
May 03, 2007 08:51 AM
Quote:Original post by Metorical
Sounds like you have a good idea for your progression to full retail games so why not apply the same logic to your art assets? Start with stand in graphics that aren't great but are enough to proove the underlying gameplay. After that you can either see if any artists are willing to lend a hand or contract out then when you know you'll have a finished product.

This is great advice and exactly how I handle things. Although, it's probably a lot easier to do in 2D than it would be in 3D.

Welcome to Journal Land and good luck!
May 03, 2007 03:35 PM
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