4e6 Entry Progress

Published September 27, 2007
Evil Space Ponies Are Attacking!

Nevermind the cheesy graphic, heres the scoop.

I think I have came up with an idea I like and hopefully will be enough to rank a decent score with the judges. My main goal with incorporating all the elements was to think of a scenario where each element literally couldn't be anything else, thus etching them directly into stone.

Basically, the game is a story being told by the father of a little girl who wants a pony for Christmas. Of course the father is broke, thanks to Bush's assault on the middle class, and can't afford to buy the little girl a pony. So he tells her a far-fetched story, complete with explosions, ponies, crystals, and of course a disgruntled accountant ( a reference to the broke father, his way of releasing some inner tension ). Not a whole lot of dialog will take place as you will be playing as an activist pony most the time.

Oh no! The evil space ponies want all of earth's crystals!!

Obviously, you need to face these demon ponies ( equipped with every type of explosive device I can program ) and demolish there plan.

The gameplay is simple. It's basically a top-down shooter with an array of pony-rific acrobatics. I have a very good idea on a very popular game mechanic you see alot of now-a-days in new releases and is only possible with a 3d game. Now this poses some challenges. I was going to do, strictly, a 2d game but this idea won't leave me alone and the semi-equivalent 2d form of that idea just doesn't cut it. I won't disclose that idea until the time is right. ;)

Great, now the government wants to tax the crystals!

Describing my ideas for all the elements and their purpose:

Well, they are the main characters and the main villains of course! There is the player, an activist pony, who is owned by the disgruntled accountant, and a countless horde of evil ponies from outer space! Obviously I can take the pony element and exchange it with almost anything in this scenario so I'm thinking of something that only ponies have or can do in this case.. hmmm.. They also have to turn into checkbooks when they are killed. To the horror of the disgruntled accountant, he has to pay tax on them to!

There is need of only one accountant sorry, the position is filled. I've hired the disgruntled accountant because he knows how to pay bills on time. I will most likely have a system where you may buy certain goods,(weapons, ammo, turrets, a can of spam?), and you don't have to pay for them until the round is over. Consider yourself on a net 30, only 30 stands for the number of evil space ponies defeated!

Ok now this is simple. Basic elements in to many games to count. It's the blood of the game, the motivation, the currency, the greeeeed maker. During the gameplay you need to stop the evil ponies from stealing all of earth's crystals. Once you defeat a horde of evil ponies, or maybe a boss character, you collect crystals and store them in your stable. This is still an early idea but maybe you can build defenses around the stable? Kinda tower defense style?

Now were talking! I will of course have the player cause the most havoc a tiny little pony, with a big rocket launcher, can dish out. Every weapon will of course be an explosive one. Prepare to see lots of flying ponies! And of course, I must have exploding meteors fall from space ( the evil ponies main transportation! ).

I will post more game mechanics and possibly jump right into a prototype tomorrow.

Comments and suggestions ( even the ones that simply state "U SCK I PwN U!" ) are welcome.
0 likes 5 comments


Welcome, and nice header!
September 28, 2007 03:07 AM
Thank you! I've only just begun.
September 28, 2007 03:15 AM
OK very good. Its the best idea I've seen so far. Very brave of you to publish it, I must say.
September 28, 2007 07:36 AM

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I too like the header.
October 03, 2007 08:00 PM
Quote:Original post by Silvo

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I too like the header.

Hah, well I asked for it. =x Glad you like it!

October 04, 2007 04:20 PM
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