Pirats! New heightmap editor for water and terrain rendering.

posted in Pirats Development for project Pirats
Published September 09, 2023

I haven't slept this week. I have done a lot of work, refactoring and improvements, further development:

  • Added a heightmap editor for the terrain, with a cursor, using threejs CanvasTexture I modify the heightmap and normalmap on realtime and save them.
  • I started two shaders, one with the stylized water caustics and water tone change depending on the heightmap values. The ground shader projects the caustic shadow and both are distorted by a baked mustgrave texture.
  • I've done some refactoring and implemented our custom frustum culling using our quadtree as the threejs does a terrible job doing frustum culling.

You may play a bit a level prototype here: https://gamevec.com/dev/pirats/?level=2&play=1&debug=0

Use A,W,S,D or the arrow keys to navigate and beat the clock on Desktop or use the tactile joystick on mobile devices.​

I could teach a lot of thing about how I rendered the levels once I've done, which will take us some months to get to the rendering style and quality we are looking for. Tell us if wou wan't to know how we achieve this using threejs.​ Besides that I have my own collision, partitional system ,resource manager. I only use threejs to load resources and put them on screen but there is a lot of structures algorithms involved to get to the final result.

Next time I'll render waves, foam and add a globla fresnel shading to the water based on a lot of inputs. And for the terrain I'll blend four typs of terrain substracts based on the height and normal to render beach sand, grass, stones and rocks. I could show how I do it if I have time.

Watch the heightmap editor. Do you have an stylized water something similar en threejs? Wait and see what we come up with.

2 likes 1 comments



that's cool!

September 12, 2023 02:16 PM
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