How to do adding/subtracting with bitwise operators

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43 comments, last by MrEvil 19 years, 7 months ago
Continuing weirdness, cool division (and also cool subtraction)
//subtraction is needed for division. Of course i can do cool subtraction via cool addition,but it's...inelegantint coolsub(int a,int b){	int c,result, tmp;	c=((~a)&b)<<1;	result=a^b;	while(c!=0){		tmp=result^c;		c=((~result)&c)<<1;		result=tmp;	};	return result;};const high_bit=( ~((unsigned int)(0)) ^ (~((unsigned int)(0))>>1) );int cooldivide(int a,int b){	if(b==0)return 0;//division by zero. What i should return....	if(b==1)return a;	int s=0;	//note that general >,<,<=,>= do subtraction :)      	if(a&high_bit){a=coolsub(0,a);s=1;}	if(b&high_bit){b=coolsub(0,b);s^=1;}	int c,d,m=1,r=0;	c=b;	d=c<<1;	while(d>c){		c=d;		d<<=1;		m<<=1;	}	int e=a;	int k=0;	do{		k=coolsub(e,c);		if((k&high_bit)==0){e=k;r+=m;};		m>>=1;		c>>=1;		}while((m!=0)&&(e!=0));	if(s){return coolsub(0,r);}else{return r;}}

and comparasion:
> and >= is the same.

edit:as about subtraction via addition,

i'd rather do it in that way:
int coolsub2(int a,int b){
return cooladd(cooladd(~a,~b),2);
,rather than using coolmultiply to multiply with (~0) :).

And important thing, coolmultiply need simple fix to work with signed numbers, same as one used in cooldiv.

[Edited by - Dmytry on September 2, 2004 6:46:30 AM]
I have already written your cooladd,coolmultiply, etc. functions in INTERCAL and TriINTERCAL (which is a super-obfuscated and quirky language which should never have been born - Blame Eric S. Raymond). Did the interviewer specify a language to write in?

In INTERCAL or any dialect thereof(, the program becomes:

(100) DO (1020) NEXT

Which increments the 16-bit variable .1. Note the lack of equals signs. It also has the advantage of working in binary, ternary, all the way up to base 7.

As an extra, memory-guzzling idea, I thought also you could use Standard Template Library containers and the functional algorithms.
You could create a linked list and use the functional library to fill it with a numeric sequence, starting at 0, ending at 2^(sizeof(unsigned int)*8)-1, so that list[x] == x for all possible unsigned x values.
Get an iterator to list[x], increment the iterator, and you have &list[x+1], which should equal x+1.

I dont know how you increment the iterator without using +'s , but i'm sure there's a way. In any case, the INTERCAL routine was the main addition to this thread, useless though it may be. :)
Quote:Original post by Dmytry
And important thing, coolmultiply need simple fix to work with signed numbers, same as one used in cooldiv.

Actually, my coolmultiply works for signed numbers too, I have tested it. Or did you find some specific numbers it fails for?
oh,my bad... it's because i know processor have different operations for signed multiply and unsigned ,and have never thinked about it.
In fact it's just only because result of processor's 32bit multiply is 64-bit and there's real difference.
Actually, my coolmultiply works for signed numbers too, I have tested it. Or did you find some specific numbers it fails for?

Yes, my intercal routine does the same thing - it was written for unsigned integers, but it works for signed numbers in 2's complement format and the ternary version works in unsigned form, 3's complement form and even balanced ternary..

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