Drawing Lines

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3 comments, last by Zahlman 19 years, 7 months ago
Im using DirectX 8.1 with VC++ 6.0. My program shows an image on the screen. I would like to draw primitives like lines on this image depending on user input. Here is the relevant code:

	//window class name
	const char* WINDOWCLASS = "StarPuzzle" ;
	//window title
	const char* WINDOWTITLE = "Star" ;
	//screen width and height
	const int SCREENWIDTH = 640 ;
	const int SCREENHEIGHT = 480 ;

	//instance handle
	HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL ;
	//window handle
	HWND g_hWnd = NULL ;
	//IDirect3D8 pointer
	IDirect3D8* g_pd3d = NULL ;
	//device type in use
	D3DDEVTYPE g_devtype ;
	//device pointer
	IDirect3DDevice8* g_pd3ddev = NULL ;
	//main viewport
	D3DVIEWPORT8 g_vpmain ;
	//image surface
	IDirect3DSurface8* g_pImageSurface = NULL ;
	IDirect3DSurface8* star ;
	IDirect3DSurface8* Solved			= NULL ;

void Prog_Init ( ) 

		fstream file;
		file.open("zpoints.txt", ios::out);

		file.open("zclickedpoints.txt", ios::out);

		file.open("xys.txt", ios::out);

	//create the IDirect3D8 object
	g_pd3d = Direct3DCreate8 ( D3D_SDK_VERSION ) ;

	//error check
	if ( g_pd3d )
		fprintf ( stdout , "IDirect3D8 object created successfully.\n" ) ;
		fprintf ( stdout , "IDirect3D8 object creation failed.\n" ) ;

		//cannot proceed, so return
		return ;

	//find display mode
	mode ;
	UINT nDisplayModeCount = g_pd3d->GetAdapterModeCount ( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT ) ;

	//loop through display modes
	for ( UINT nDisplayMode = 0 ; nDisplayMode < nDisplayModeCount ; nDisplayMode ++ ) 
		//check next display mode
		g_pd3d->EnumAdapterModes ( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT , nDisplayMode , &mode ) ;

		//if it matches desired screen width, break out of loop
		if ( mode.Width == SCREENWIDTH && mode.Height == SCREENHEIGHT ) break ;

	//check for proper sized mode
	if ( mode.Width != SCREENWIDTH || mode.Height != SCREENHEIGHT ) 
		//did not find mode
		//post quit message
		PostQuitMessage ( 0 ) ;

		fprintf ( stdout , "Did not find display mode!\n" ) ;

		return ;
		//found mode
		fprintf ( stdout , "Found display mode.\n" ) ;

	//set up presentation parameters

	//back buffer information
	parms.BackBufferWidth = mode.Width ; //use mode width
	parms.BackBufferHeight = mode.Height ; //use mode height
	parms.BackBufferFormat = mode.Format ; //use format of mode
	parms.BackBufferCount = 1 ; //make one back buffer

	parms.MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE ;

	//swap effect
	parms.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_FLIP ; //we want to copy from back buffer to screen

	//destination window
	parms.hDeviceWindow = g_hWnd ; 
	parms.Windowed = FALSE ;

	//depth buffer information
	parms.EnableAutoDepthStencil = FALSE ;
	parms.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN ;

	parms.Flags = 0 ;

	//refresh rate and presentation interval
	parms.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = mode.RefreshRate ; //use mode's refresh rate
	parms.FullScreen_PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT ;

	//attempt to create a HAL device
	HRESULT hr ; //store return values in this variable
	hr = g_pd3d->CreateDevice ( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT , D3DDEVTYPE_HAL , g_hWnd , D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING , &parms , &g_pd3ddev ) ;

	//error check
	if ( FAILED ( hr ) )
		//could not create HAL device
		fprintf ( stdout , "Could not create HAL device!\n" ) ;

		//attempt to make REF device
		hr = g_pd3d->CreateDevice ( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT , D3DDEVTYPE_REF , g_hWnd , D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING , &parms , &g_pd3ddev ) ;

		if ( FAILED ( hr ) )
			//could not create REF device
			fprintf ( stdout , "Could not create REF device!\n" ) ;

			//post a quit message
			PostQuitMessage ( 0 ) ;
			//successfully made REF device, store this value in a global
			g_devtype = D3DDEVTYPE_REF ;

			fprintf ( stdout , "Successfully created REF device.\n" ) ;
		//successfully made a HAL device, store this value in a global
		g_devtype = D3DDEVTYPE_HAL ;

		fprintf ( stdout , "Successfully created HAL device.\n" ) ;

	//set up viewports
	//main viewport
	g_vpmain.X = 0 ;
	g_vpmain.Y = 0 ;
	g_vpmain.Width = SCREENWIDTH ;
	g_vpmain.Height = SCREENHEIGHT ;
	g_vpmain.MinZ = 0.0f ;
	g_vpmain.MaxZ = 1.0f ;

	//set the viewport
	g_pd3ddev->SetViewport ( &g_vpmain ) ;

	//memory dc
	HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC ( NULL ) ;

	//load in image
	HBITMAP hbmnew = ( HBITMAP ) LoadImage ( NULL , "StarPuzzle.t7g" , IMAGE_BITMAP , 0 , 0 , LR_LOADFROMFILE ) ;

	//get width and height of bitmap
	BITMAP bmp ;
	GetObject ( hbmnew , sizeof ( BITMAP ) , &bmp ) ;

	//select bitmap into dc
	HBITMAP hbmold = ( HBITMAP ) SelectObject ( hdc , hbmnew ) ;

	//set up image surface
	hr = g_pd3ddev->CreateImageSurface ( bmp.bmWidth , bmp.bmHeight , mode.Format , &g_pImageSurface ) ;

	star = ImageSurfaceFromBMP ( g_pd3ddev , "star.t7g" , mode.Format ) ;

	//error check
	if ( FAILED ( hr ) )
		fprintf ( stdout , "Failed to create image surface!\n" ) ;

		PostQuitMessage ( 0 ) ;

		return ;
		//no error
		fprintf ( stdout , "Created image surface.\n" ) ;

	//lock the surface
	D3DLOCKED_RECT lockedrect ;
	g_pImageSurface->LockRect ( &lockedrect , NULL , 0 ) ;

	//variables for color scan
	COLORREF crColor ;	//source color
	DWORD dwColor ;	//destination color

	DWORD dwRed ;	//red component
	DWORD dwGreen ;	//green component
	DWORD dwBlue ;	//blue component

	DWORD dwRedShiftL = 8 - GetFormatRBits ( mode.Format ) ;	//shift left red value
	DWORD dwGreenShiftL = 8 - GetFormatGBits ( mode.Format ) ;	//shift left green value
	DWORD dwBlueShiftL = 8 - GetFormatBBits ( mode.Format ) ;		//shift left blue value

	DWORD dwRedShiftR = GetFormatGBits ( mode.Format ) + GetFormatBBits ( mode.Format ) ;	//shift right red value
	DWORD dwGreenShiftR = GetFormatBBits ( mode.Format ) ;	//shift right green value
	DWORD dwBlueShiftR = 0 ;	//shift right blue value
	DWORD dwBytesPerPixel = ( //GetFormatXBits ( mode.Format ) + 
		GetFormatABits ( mode.Format ) + GetFormatRBits ( mode.Format ) + GetFormatGBits ( mode.Format ) + GetFormatBBits ( mode.Format ) ) / 8 ;//bytes per pixel

	BYTE* pbyBuffer = ( BYTE* ) lockedrect.pBits ; //buffer to image data
	int iBufferPosition ;

	//scan the image
	for ( int y = 0 ; y < bmp.bmHeight ; y ++ )
		for ( int x = 0 ; x < bmp.bmWidth ; x ++ )
			//calculate position in buffer
			iBufferPosition = y * lockedrect.Pitch + x * dwBytesPerPixel ;

			//grab pixel
			crColor = GetPixel ( hdc , x , y ) ;
			//dissect pixel
			dwRed = GetRValue ( crColor ) ;
			dwGreen = GetGValue ( crColor ) ;
			dwBlue = GetBValue ( crColor ) ;

			//shift pixel data left
			dwRed >>= dwRedShiftL ;
			dwGreen >>= dwGreenShiftL ;
			dwBlue >>= dwBlueShiftL ;

			//shift pixel data right
			dwRed <<= dwRedShiftR ;
			dwGreen <<= dwGreenShiftR ;
			dwBlue <<= dwBlueShiftR ;

			//recombine pixel data
			dwColor = dwRed | dwGreen | dwBlue ;

			//copy to surface
			memcpy ( &pbyBuffer [ iBufferPosition ] , &dwColor , dwBytesPerPixel ) ;

	//set up for alpha testing
	g_pd3ddev->SetRenderState ( D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE , TRUE ) ;
	g_pd3ddev->SetRenderState ( D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC , D3DCMP_GREATEREQUAL ) ;
	g_pd3ddev->SetRenderState ( D3DRS_ALPHAREF , 0) ;

	//unlock the surface
	g_pImageSurface->UnlockRect ( ) ;

	//restore old bitmap
	SelectObject ( hdc , hbmold ) ;

	//destroy bitmap
	DeleteObject ( hbmnew ) ;

	//destroy dc
	DeleteDC ( hdc ) ;

	//redraw the frame
	RedrawFrame ( ) ;

//redraw frame
void RedrawFrame ( ) 
	//clear the screen
	g_pd3ddev->Clear ( 0 , NULL , D3DCLEAR_TARGET , D3DCOLOR_XRGB ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) , 0.0f, 0 ) ;
	//source rectangle
	RECT rcSrc ;
	SetRect ( &rcSrc , 0 , 0 , SCREENWIDTH , SCREENHEIGHT ) ;

	//destination point
	POINT ptDst ;
	ptDst.x = 0 ;
	ptDst.y = 0 ;

	//back buffer surface
	IDirect3DSurface8* pBackBuffer ;

	//grab back buffer
	g_pd3ddev->GetBackBuffer ( 0 , D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO , &pBackBuffer ) ;

	//copy rectangle
	g_pd3ddev->CopyRects ( g_pImageSurface , &rcSrc , 1 , pBackBuffer , &ptDst ) ;

	//release the back buffer surface
	pBackBuffer->Release ( ) ;

	//present the scene
	g_pd3ddev->Present ( NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ;

[Edit: Added [source] tags. In the future, paste only relevant code - Oluseyi] I have tried several things that work without using the CopyRects line in the RedrawFrame function, How do I draw to the backbuffer after the CopyRects line? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. [Edited by - Oluseyi on September 21, 2004 8:43:05 AM]
Not to be rude. But please add "
" "["/source" (With out quotes) tags around your code.
You mean [source][/source] tags?

(Which I spelled as "[sourc&#101;][/sourc&#101;]". Know thy HTML!)
Quote:Original post by Zahlman
Know thy HTML!

why not &#91; and &#93;?? [razz]

Pertaining to the OP's question: the best way to do this is with line primitives. These are the same thing as triangle primitives, except they only have 2 vertices each. They have all the other components: texture coordinates, diffuse color, etc, and you can put textures and materials on them as well.

To render use one of the following instead of what you're using:


For more info, refer to the DXSDK.

Mushu - trying to help those he doesn't know, with things he doesn't know.
Why won't he just go away? An question the universe may never have an answer to...
Quote:Original post by Mushu
Quote:Original post by Zahlman
Know thy HTML!

why not [ and ]?? [razz]

That works, but I find the ASCII values for a-zA-Z easier to remember than those for punctuation.

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