Morning's Wrath: Final approval for Morning's Armor(updated:10/4/2004)

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50 comments, last by Roboguy 19 years, 7 months ago
alright, youve driven me to it damnit.

I'll upload a changed version when i get a moment, right in the middle of releasing our first public pre-beta demo.

Raymond Jacobs, Owner - Ethereal Darkness Interactive - EDIGamesCompany - @EDIGames

I would like to say that I agree that it doesn't need to accurate unless you want the game to be completely realistic, and if you wanted it to be realistic why would you have a princess defending everyone?

I don't know maybe its just me but the word princess makes me think of ball gowns and jewels not about what kind of armor they can wear.

Anyways I think it looks really really good, and I think sometimes you just have to go with what YOU think is best, having ringmail stop before or after the skirt is not going to make or break the game, so if you as the designer like it one way then thats the way it should be..

I'd like to congradulate you on making it so far with such a complex game, I've watched the progress for a while and I can only hope that I will one day be able to create something close to have level
hehe, thank you :-D

we are trying really hard =)

and I will think about what you said, since it seems like you are right lol. =)

Raymond Jacobs, Owner - Ethereal Darkness Interactive - EDIGamesCompany - @EDIGames

Are you not going to have the ability to tweak the character's appearance? At the start or even during some games (e.g. Baldurs Gate II, Dungeon Siege, etc) you get to select the colour of the clothing on the character... You might be better to let the individual choose.
Your armor and weapons are fixed throughout the game, equipment is in the form of magical enhancement items.

this game is an RPG/Classic Adventure hybrid,

so, we have deviated from the standard 'change your characters appearence' system, and replaced it with the more common classic adventure Hero (or heroine in this case).

For a good idea of how MW is,

It is basicly a game with the story and puzzles of a classic adventure like Kings Quest, but in the medium and battle of a Realtime RPG like diablo.

Raymond Jacobs, Owner - Ethereal Darkness Interactive - EDIGamesCompany - @EDIGames

You asked for feedback, so…

First impressions:

New one:
Looks nice.. ack! Is that a miniskirt? Bleh.. oh and stocking too, how nice.

ARMOR. Does not mean a night out on the town.

Her hair: Looks more like a barbarian than a princess. Bad hair day I guess. Not every day you have to save the kingdom after all. .. Even so, I’d wear braids personally.

Old one:
Rats, same armor style.
Hum, boring steel. Looks like a nice scale though, well done.. but not very regal.

Older one:
Not bad, better than ‘old armor’ .. seems regal.

From the choices presented, I prefer ‘New one’ or ‘Older one’, I’d say either will work.
Stinking forum. If I wanted to be anonymous I would not have registered at all now would I? *smack!*
Quote:Original post by Adraeus
I'd make that a 1-piece and lengthen the skirt to at least above the knees instead of mid-thigh. If she sits down as it is now, it's a porno all over again.


And a picture of what I think is both attractive and functional armor (not that I think you should change your design to match this, just to prove that it can be done). Aribeth
-LuctusIn the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move - Douglas Adams
I would say the above posted picture is less functional then what we are currently using, due to the nearly completely exposed upper chest.

I could be wrong though =)

Raymond Jacobs, Owner - Ethereal Darkness Interactive - EDIGamesCompany - @EDIGames

Heh, I always thought Aribeth's armor, while pretty, was never functional. Still, fantasy and all that.

Topic at hand:

Given that Morning's armor does not change. I would prefer to see something that would be suitable at the royal ball, or on parade.

However and given, I know not of the world for the setting of your game, so perhaps what you have actually does fit in perfectly. (if so I suggest making some effort to present that to the player to help with the suspension of disbelief)

By the by, perhaps consider layered clothing? Specifically: a nice dress over good armor? Pretty and functional that way.

Oh and yes, nice sword she has... reminds me of a small two handed sword, fwiw. Needs flames/etc. flickering off the blade. ... Fancy that way (=

Fwiw (:

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