Does 2D Still Make Money?

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38 comments, last by dist0rted 19 years, 8 months ago
THere seems to me to be an untapped resource in using 3D hardware for 2D games. The hardware is so fast and provides so much but everyone just wants to push more and more polys through and make things more and more realistic. The same (or cheaper) hardware could be used to do some really amazing things in 2D that would also run much faster. Think of all the neat particle effects you could do. You could do Duke Nukem (I mean the original platformer) but uber-cool. It's really only the indie developers who are looking at this sort of thing though (and some of them are doing really great things).


There's one for you ;-)
I dont care if its 2d or 3d. I pay whatever is fun. However if I had a choice between 2 equally good games that cost the same and one was 3d and one was 2d I would choose the 3d one.

My resoning is they both are fun so why not play the fun one that also (IMHO) looks good two?
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
The RollerCoasterTycoon series did quite well, apparently...
My stuff.Shameless promotion: FreePop: The GPL god-sim.
advance wars 1 & 2 on GBA (rated as one of the classics)...outstanding 2d game and has made a lot of cash and still is!
a 2d game would be cool, but it would have to be a cool culty game...
[]-steve[/email]_______________________Freelance Game Journalist / Designer / Occasional Game Developer[] [RandomlyAccessed]
Quote:Original post by Madhed
Quote by jamba:

Quote:What about online play in a 2D game? Would it work? Like deathmatch in a sidescroller. Would there be any interest for that?

Have you heard about "soldat"? (German for soldier)

It's basically a Counterstrike,Quake,Worms clone done in 2d.
It has a really cool physics system, and lots of blood. =)
And it looks so uber1337. ;)

Go check it out, it's only 10 MB or so.
There are actually many clans for that game and it's even featured in the ESL. (electronic sports league)

there you can download the shareware version, which is not time limited and full playable.
For 20$ or so you get the full version but it only lets you cusomize some colors and lets you add different profiles.

Trust me this game is the SHIIIET.

:) my 2 cents

Soldat is a very nice job by some hard working people, but its a copy of Liero made without a true understanding of Liero's gameplay (more just a mix of Liero and Counterstrike). LieroXtreme is a much more faithful copy of Liero, is free, and imho much better than Soldat.
-- Single player is masturbation.
No discussion of 2D deathmatch would be complete without mention of one of the greatest games of all time....

Spy versus Spy!
I love 2D games which are fun to play rather than all the 3D games which make your eyes bleed with their graphics and are not fun to play.

One of my fav is Stick Soldiers II.

With the hardware and complexity of game programming getting higher all the time and education for it moving to degree/university level what will happen?????

I've been looking around at all the popular games, and the only 2D games you'll find now-a-days are for handhelds.

Try It's got tons of 2D (more) and 3D games which are so much fun to play and everything is FREEWARE

Look at the BEST category on the side navigation bar, they are so cool.
From what I've seen, the only successful 2D games are side-scrollers and strategy/rpg games (like Advance Wars and the rest of the Nintendo line-up).
=============================All knowledge is good; only the way it is put to use is good or evil.

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