🎉 Celebrating 25 Years of GameDev.net! 🎉

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37 comments, last by NeHe 23 years, 7 months ago
Just wanted to say something in the message forum... It''s funny how every time something good happens in my life, especially when it has to do with the site, all the attacks begin. Am I not allowed to have anything good happen in my life? I mean in a 6 month period, both my brothers kidneys have failed, my mom is still being treated for cancer, I have moved to the middle of nowhere with modem as my source of HS net. I have given more money to people this year than I have to give. On top of that I have bent over backwards to keep everyone on my site happy. Today was the best day of my life in regards to good news (cd going commercial). Any money I make from sales of the CD will go to pay off my debts, help my family out, and perhaps give me a chance to put a down payment on a home instead of having to move every year because I have a dog that''s not wanted in townhomes, or most city homes for rent. It''s not even attacks really... it''s just the attitude of everyone. I mean I get the emails from the elite saying "Your code is crap, don''t know how you''re publishing a cd". Then I got the angry who have nothing to complain about in regards to the site so they complain about their CD order or the fact that I didn''t reply to the email asking how to write a nuclear reactor simulation that perfectly mimics the real thing. Lastly I have the people that attack others on the board that show enthusiam towards what I''m doing or the site in general. I have never ignored people on the site. Any time I encounter negative feedback I try to reply intelligently, avoiding conflicts. I listen to what my users want, even though a few of you don''t think I do, and whenever something good happens to me, I try to include all of you in my joy! I started this day off feeling happy, giddy, and rejuvinated (ready to code code code). After the flood of positive mail stopped, and a small stream of negative started pouring in, my day went downhill. What is it with you guys that complain? PLEASE, I am asking... what do you want from the site? What am I doing wrong, what would you guys like to see different? Maybe we should start a thread on suggestions. Then everyone can express their opinion. It''s funny when people say I don''t listen. If I get enough emails asking for change, it gets done, but before I make change I usually ask "what do you guys want". Sometimes the things others want to see are not things the new GL programmers want. So I don''t make the change. That doesn''t mean I''m ignoring anyone. That means I am trying to keep majority happy or those who are having the most difficulty. As for errors that are pointed out, I am pretty sure most errors are corrected within a few hours after they are pointed out. Hell, I''ve rewritten entire lessons to fix errors. If you think I don''t listen, I should send you to a few of the sites I used to enjoy. I''d email the site op, and never get a reply. But yet he''d post something new to the site 10 minutes later. Is it best to hide behind your site or to become active with your visitors? Anyways... have a good night everyone... here''s to a brighter future! I wish I could keep you all happy, but I can''t. I''m trying to make my life better while making yours a little easier, that''s all. Jeff Molofee ( NeHe ) NeHe Productions Sorry for the rant, but this is an issue that really bothers me.
Just ignore those arrogant pricks you're doing a great job I don't see any other sites that have anywhere near that amount of tuorials on openGL.

My Homepage

Edited by - crazy-vasey on October 17, 2000 3:41:12 AM
Ah... The point is that I don''t get many breaks, in all honesty this past year has been the worst year of my life. There were times when I thought about shutting everything down because the work to run this site, along with my daily stress was too much, but I never did. I keep moving ahead. I just don''t get how people can''t at the VERY least appreciate the work I put into the site. Even if I absolutely hated someone, if they ran a site like this on their own, I''d respect them for that.

I know many of you support me fully, and I know some of you support me to the extreme, and I really value users like that, but it only takes one bad apple to ruin it. I don''t want any bad apples... Even at the age of 14 I was mature enough to know when to say things, and how to say them without hurting a persons feelings. If ever I had a problem with someone I talked it out. Brian Sharp is a good example. Me and him hit it off in a VERY bad way when we first started talking. After I sat back and thought about how stupid the fighting was I stopped, I appologized, we parted on good terms. That''s how it should be... even when we were arguing, it was just one person presenting their case. Never name calling and such.

Crazy that''s all! If people would channel their negative feedback into GL projects... WOW!!! We''d have some good demos

Anyways... thanks for the reply... I appreciate the support, I''m not whining for attention though. I am truely trying to state how fed up I am with things. How I''d like everyone to just get along and work towards making GL a great API!

It''s not even just the negative feedback I hear. I read through the forum, and every few messages someones calling someone else a moron because of that person either doesn''t type good english (this is a worldwide forum), or because they''re young and truely don''t understand what it is they need to know (macho complex?) or because they feel like picking on someone who doesn''t believe what they believe!


i just want to say that you are the man, i don''t know many people who could put up with all the crap some people keep throwing at you. i don''t see how they can be upset about your code not being optimized to quake III standards when you have a disclaimer saying it''s suposed to be easy to read and work, not god like perfection in programing. i say forget about them, hell, if they can do better then why don''t they? put a disclaimer that if they make it perfect then you''ll link to it, that should shut at least a few of them up.

but anyway, i''m rambling...

great job with the site, it''s helped me tons, don''t let the few idiots out there reflect to greatly on those of us how are truely thankful.

Don't take life too seriously, you''ll never get out of it alive. -Bugs Bunny
-------------------------------------------------Don't take life too seriously, you''ll never get out of it alive. -Bugs Bunny
Nehe, I don''t mean to bitch but you want some cheese with that wine? The fact is you''re doing a good job, there''s ALWAYS going to be a critic no matter what you do that''s just life, everyone''s gotta get their 2 cents in. But if you sit there and get down about it and say, "Aww everyone hates me boo hoo" and take down the site or whatever then not only would you end up pissing everyone off like me who are regulars at this site but you''d also indulge all the other gl web site owners out there (which I''d be willing to bet is where most of the critics come from) who are jealous of how many hits and how much progress your site is making. This is hands down the most popular site on the net for gl related info outside of opengl.org (which if you haven''t noticed your lesson 27 popped up there the other day) you''re doing good. For every one person who can say something bad about this site there''s at least 20 more who love it. So suck it up, take it like a man, keep doing good, and read your @!@#$!@$ email for once (because I have a sweet ass tetris game I sent you that you should check out, I''ll resend it if you deleted it by accident). ''Nuff said. (:
There have always been and will always be morons everywhere. The more people know you, the more morons you attract. Even though I don''t attract morons, I try to ignore the ones I meet. Bump up the ignorance, NeHe!


"tuletko sieltä
tuletko sieltä
missä yö asuu
missä tuuli pitää majaa"

Oh yeah another side note, Quake 3 was in the making for years as was all the Quake''s preceding that. Good programming takes time, and if you whip out some 50000+ lines of code at one time all you do is confuse people unless it''s internal within a company. This site''s meant for tutorials, and I think they''re a lot better explained here since NeHe has concrete, easy to follow examples of code along with explainations. I''d much rather go here than go to somewhere like Gamasutra and read articles from people on game programming "theory" on BSP trees and such which makes no sense unless there''s a good example and when there is it''s usually just a big 50k source file with a few comments in German.
I cannot think of a reason why anyone would get angry at you for trying to help people
Some people will never be happy in life no matter what, and you just gotta ignore them. You''re doing an excellent job. I myself think if you ditched all that ugly Windows code and did them in GLUT they''d be a helluva lot easier to understand but I certainly am not getting angry about that
Its your site, you can do whatever you like and noone should complain. Of course constructive criticism should be welcomed and you welcome it with open arms.
Keep up the excellent work (or take a break; either way, I certainly ain''t complaining!!)
For my 2 cents I believe that getting a small amount of criticism can and will be annoying as hell. But at the same time, if the words are made public, such as in a forum like this, it only strengthens your cause all that much more.

Look at it this way. Whenever a negative post has come up you see a dozen other posts immediately following it calling that person down and singing praises to the site. If you were a new person to the site and you came across such a thread, let''s face it, you would most likely be heartily swayed into believing the site was good. After all, it''s hard to dispute the amount of support and fervor it draws. Especially when it''s backed by the great reasoning a number of you offer up.

You need the odd bad apple to make the rest of the bunch look better

Of course people who simply show up to put others down ''just for fun'' should have their nails slowly pulled off, but that''s another rant.

-Detrimental Projects-

"With one hand I reached for the sun, with the other I drove the silver home."
NeHe, don`t worry. In life too many idiots. You do BIG GREAT job. I haven`t money for your CD, but anyway I able download your tutorials from your site. Thank you for your work!


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