
Started by
37 comments, last by NeHe 23 years, 7 months ago

You''ve managed to create a really cool resource for people to come post messages and get help, suggestions, etc. You''ve even managed to put togather the best set of WinAPI/OpenGL tutorials I''ve seen, most of which even have source for other platforms! Even trough the tremendous stress you''re going trough right now, you still continue to stick it out, update the page, answer questions, even post to you''re own forum! And best of all, you listen to your visitors. It takes a really cool person to accomplish what you have. People who destructively critisize you''re stuff, are probably just insecure. Ignore them. Nobodies source is perfect, and theres always room left to improve things.
hi nehe,
why bother about "suckers"?
You did a very fine job!
simply stated your tuts are just perfect and will always remain unparalleled!
Best o'' luck d00d!

Greetz from "THE CYANIDE!"
Admin: The Cyanide''s Layer
Greetz from "THE CYANIDE!"Admin: The Cyanide''s Layerhttp://www.sanchit.8m.com/
I think.. Your site absolutely rules, and it''s fantastic that you''re helping people to learn OpenGL, and put your time into it - i''m sure you''d have better things to do, but u have been very cool and have done what not many people would do. You''re a role model to people, leading the way, sharing your ideas, and so on. Keep it up! Ignore the garbage!
I was wondering guys, if I write a program of 500000 lines of code and write vague comments like, "Well in BSP theory you have to do the equation x2=i1/bsp(q3+quadric5)^e1/i2 come on everyone knows this.." Can I be NeHe''s direct competitor in tutorials? That''s what I see out there.
sinistrx your obviously not looking hard enough for information if thats all that you see on the net.

Nate Miller
Recently I''ve been starting a web site of my own! I''ve got all kinds of stuff on windows programing and just yesterday finally added my first OpenGL tutorial. I''ve been kinda bummed that I still haven''t gotten a single coment about the site other than from two people I specificaly asked for an opinion. I know people have been there, it shows on the hit counter, but so far nada! Jeff, I hate to say this but with all the complaint''s and bitching you get I still envey you (and your site)!

------------------------------Piggies, I need more piggies![pig][pig][pig][pig][pig][pig]------------------------------Do not invoke the wrath of the Irken elite. [flaming]
Hi :-)
I just registerred to post this, I hope I did it all right.
I found nehe.gamedev.net.. I''m not sure from where, but I know it was a site that I bookmarked, and quickly became the only site that I ever visited shortly after for OpenGL stuff. See, I''ve got this really, really old compiler. Remember the Borland Turbo C++ Compiler stuff? Take away the Turbo, and you got me :-) version 5.0 (I hear they got 5.5 out for free now.. yeesh)

Anyway, I''ve gone through all but the last couple of tutorials, and have gotten every single one to work on my many a year old compiler, thanks to your original code and the various conversions (other platforms often have the pieces of code I need to get things to work).

Now, I''m very comfortable with my knowledge of OpenGL, I''ve rewritten and expanded on most of the tutorials (especially the particle one :-) .. nothing all that great, but it''s my creation, ya know?) I''d like to learn more, I hear all this stuff about modelview matrices and scary unknowns like that all the time, but it all sounds so boring. The tutorials kept things interesting, kept things practical, applicable, and fun :-)

I think I spent my whole summer, just doing various tutorials, and things. I''ve wanted this all my life, to be able to do these things. Only two years before I''d been writing wanna-be 3d graphic engines in QBASIC 4.5, and I was really looking. OpenGL is so cool, I knew that and I wanted to have it. The tutorials on this site showed me a lot of great affects, and I can only thank you! :-)

We all go through trials and challenges, and yours seem to be hitting the hardest. Things are fragile for you right now, and obviously something isn''t right. I mean, the combinations and coincidences of all these problems happening all at once and hitting you right at the key times and all this, it''s rather uncanny, don''t you think? As if it''s not just a coincidence :-)

Giving and bending over backwards.. putting yourself aside for everyone else, supporting and leaving nothing for yourself. Helping and wanting to grow only to make more happy and to be faster and better for everyone, wanting to teach and show the world what can be done... can I ask you a question? Why do you do all of it? What drives you?

Peace to you :-)

Vote to unban David Ho!
Vote to unban David Ho!
Thanks to everyone. Odd to see this thread is still alive. I would like to say that I appreciate the support.

One post stood out from all the others, and that was Nate''s. I''m not sure if nate dislikes the site or if he just wants everyone to know there are hundreds of other excellent GL sites out there.

My site is simple, and the code is also simple, but I have never said it was anything else. This site is a jumping point. You learn here, and you move on to bigger and better. I would hope that everyone realizes that. Sure some of the more recent tutorials are getting to the complex point, but still there is SO much more out there!

By providing links to all the other excellent GL sites, I hope to interest you in the work of others. Branch out and explore, once you''re beyond what this site has to offer, let others that are just starting out know about NeHe Productions.

Anyways... off to relax... have alot of things to sort out.

Jeff --

The site''s awesome. The tutorials are awesome. Hopefully someone with some backing will come to realize what you have here and find someway of getting you what you deserve.

You''ve helped me and many others get their start in OpenGL programming, and we all owe you a real debt.

If you''re reading this and have a cool OpenGL demo sitting on your hard drive, send it NeHe''s way so that he can include it on his CD-ROM, and help out with his current project. Like he said in his essay in today''s post -- he shouldn''t be begging for entries!!!

Have fun!

Thom Wetzel
OK, I know I havn''t been on the forum for a while, and at the moment I can''t stay long. But just for the moment, I would like to say:

A BIG hats off to NeHe

(sorry if the HTML dosen''t work)

NoneWho is General Failure and why is he reading my disk?Microwave: Signal from a friendly micro...Multitasking: Screwing up several things at once...How do I set my laser printer on stun?Sarr! The spellchecker kinna take this abuse!
SLARTIBARTFAST00PLEASE SELECT WITTY .SIG: NoneWho is General Failure and why is he reading my disk?Microwave: Signal from a friendly micro...Multitasking: Screwing up several things at once...How do I set my laser printer on stun?Sarr! The spellchecker kinna take this abuse!

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