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37 comments, last by NeHe 23 years, 7 months ago

I think everyone who works hard to give something for nothing gets bad e-mails. Look at people who make maps for mods - Most of their mail is "j00r map sux0rs" and "tell me how to make maps" and all that.

If it wasn''t for people like you, I''d not know OpenGL like I do now, and I wouldn''t be working where I am now. It was a game I made using OpenGL that got me the interview!

- Peter Mackay
Hey, Nehe, We need you
without you, I would have already gave up C++ ...
Pissed off DOS programming, I found your website, then I learned OGL and Win32 at the same time, now, I am haveing fun coding, I really like this website ...

You know, some people don''t understand that if you start making optimized code, none is going to understand, your few first tuts are good for the beginners, then the others are good for amateur programmers ...

(you can find me on IRC : #opengl on undernet)
Hey NeHe,
Without this site and opengl.org I would be up the creak with out a paddle. I was ''thrown'' into a project using openGL for my first project at Raytheon. No one at Raytheon knows openGL here except for myself, and I never used or heard of it before June of this year.
This site has helped me out BIG TIME and without the help of the toutorals and help from people on this board, I would be far behind schedule. Instead I am somewhat ahead of my schedule and I owe it to this site and some kind people that were able to lend me a helping hand.

Ryan DesRoches
Raytheon CO.
National Balistic Missle Defence - UEWR radar dept.
Greetings NeHe;
First I want to say that you are doing an excellent job on the site and the gl tutorials. If it wasn''t for your tut''s, I would be like Roach, up the creek without a paddle. I probably would have not started learning gl without your well explained tut''s and code. Don''t let arrogant "gurus" to bother you, they probably can''t write tut''s as well as you do.

Keep up the good work.

a wise man once said....
==============================================I feel like a kid in some kind of store... ============================================== www.thejpsystem.com

The only reason that I''m working where I am now is you. Your tutorials did''nt only teach me OpenGL but also alot of other things.

You''re the man Nehe, keep up the good work.

Kristian - Sweden
NeHe, I would like to make the following suggestions:

Your code not being top notch is a feature, not a detriment.
For those who don''t want to have to read the code to figure out how to use it, your coding style isn''t that great. However, this is your purpose. Read the code and understand it.

Also, it''s important for people who are learning not to be overwhelmed with complex features. Get your basics down first.

The fact is that if you _were_ the best, you wouldn''t be teaching. An important part of a good teach is not to seem so superior that nobody else could ever be as good as you.

If you _were_ a "John Carmack" kind of guy, YOU would be the one saying "you must code this way." or "This is the way it''s _really_ done."

But in fact, a lot of people are attracted by the fact that you appear to be just another guy who''s trying hard enough to actually make something happen.

As far as the people ragging on you. They are doing this in part because it does affect you. There''s somebody that I send e-mails to rather frequently saying something like "why are you still trying to make 3d games. Your best games are 2d. Why don''t you just go back to 2d." (Actually I say this a lot nicer because I really want him to go back to 2d). But guess what his response is? Nada. (Nothing.)

He doesn''t owe me a response. I''m probably like a splinter under his pinky. But if he were to get in an e-mail war with me, he might just go nuts over the "criticism" he perceives in my message, when the message is a selfish one, not a critical one: make some games that I want.

So my advice: just ignore those who upset you. Sure they might not go away, but at least you won''t have to think about them. Go with what you know.

- Aaron
Hey! I''m trying!
Just think of the fact that you''ve had what? 200 orders for the CD? Now ask yourself-would 200 people pay $26 for code that was CRAP and I have NEVER seen the site with less then 50 visitors and they wouldn''t be coming here if the code was crap. The tutorials are great, you are great and there are may people who greatly appreciate all the work you''ve done and don''t let the few mother f***ers who criticize it affect you.
I think the majority of the people who visit this site and utilize its resources would love to be able to take credit for what you''ve achieved. It''s a great accomplishment in my opinion. If someone says your tutorials suck, then I would certainly like them to point me (and you) towards better tutorials.
"No army has ever marched into battle thinking the Creator had sided with their enemy." - Terry Goodkind
I just want to throw in my two cents. I think your website has the most comprehensive set of OpenGL tutorials I have ever seen. I remember when I started on this message board about 4 or 5 months ago, thinking I want to do some cool 3d stuff. Well your tutorials got me well under way. But too bad my video card is S**t and barely supports OpenGL so I am relegated to Direct3D or just 2D programming (which 2D is my choice till i get a better video card so I can use OpenGL effectively). I just want to say keep up the good work because there are many many more people out there that are very greatful for the time and effort you have put into your site and everything on it.

"Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time"
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
themGames Productions

Jeff... In Australia it''s called the tall poppie syndrome (I''m not sure whether that saying is used over there or not).
It''s basically, when someone is doing really well for themselves other people seem to have to take the person down a notch or two to make them feel better about themselves.

I guess a good example is Bill Gates. Everyone has something bad to say about Bill but hey, he''s on the top looking down. His company is number 1, he''s the richest guy in the world and he shows us what we could be if we tried... except some people just see the negatives and want to pick on everything he or his company does. I''m not saying that some of the comments aren''t deserved but the facts speak for themselves.

Your in the same boat. You run your web site yourself and you talk to your users (on not too many sites can you talk directly to the person who runs them). You write news topics and tutorials and show people all the stuff they want to see. Basically the people having a go at you are probably just pissed that they can''t do what you have done... or they could but taking you down a notch or two is easier for them and makes them feel better about themselves.

If I was going to suggest anything it would be that the site has become too big for just one guy. Have you thought about having others contribute? They don''t necessarily have to maintain the site or anything but they could add more tutorials, models, textures, etc in whatever format you want but leaving you with the creative control.

Well, like others, I''ve rambled enough.

Keep up the good work Jeff and don''t let the bastards get you down!


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