Dev-C++ not creating exeutables

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26 comments, last by RAZORUNREAL 18 years, 5 months ago
I am reading a book called Teach yourself C++ in 21 days. I am using Dev-C++ as my compiler. I got to day 11 last night, and before I went to bed I installed the new version of it ( and now this morning when I started reading my book again I typed in a program and it doesnt give me any compile errors but doesnt create an executable... what gives?
Did you remember to link the program? Compiling doesn't produce an executable right off the bat, it produces object files first. These files are then linked together with a linker.

The advantage to this system is that you can use multiple source files without recompiling them all at once, and you can also use libraries that other people have written that you don't have the source code for.
If that happens, I usually try to run the executable through the IDE, forcing an EXE to be made.
We should do this the Microsoft way: "WAHOOOO!!! IT COMPILES! SHIP IT!"
After I compiled I went to Compile Progress Log and this is what it says:
Compiler: Default compiler
Linking 11.1
Dev - cpp is not a compiler it is an IDE. I guess your compiler is mingw32 well make sure it has its paths configured correctly and the target too
------ XYE - A new edition of the classic Kye
Well, I tried running it from the IDE via Execute > Compile & Run. It brought up the cmd console and did what the prog is supposed to be still made no exe :(. allows spaces in the filepath of Dev-cpp, does not - I still haven't updated it, for that reason. I really doubt that's your issue, but you might want to take a look.

Really weird that it runs the program but doesn't build the exe.
It only takes one mistake to wake up dead the next morning.
I don't think that would be the problem either the path is C:\Cpp\Week2\11.1and no exe is being created.
If the program is executed then it built the exe

It is simply not in the location you think it should.

Get a file searcher
------ XYE - A new edition of the classic Kye
I think this might be the problem. I go to tools > Compiler Options > Settings and all the settings are set to no.

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